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Activist Greta Thunberg detained by Dutch police at climate demonstration…

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — Climate activist Greta Thunberg was among dozens of people detained Saturday by police in The ... The Extinction Rebellion campaign group said before the demonstration that the activists would block a main highway into ...


Does the detention of activists like Greta Thunberg inspire you to take action or does it discourage you from participating in protests?


If you were in Greta's position, would you also choose to disrupt public spaces to highlight the urgency of climate action?


Do you think risking arrest at a protest, like Greta Thunberg did, is an effective way to bring about change in society's approach to climate issues?

 @RedStateTealRepublican from Virginia commented…2mos2MO

Honestly, seeing the news about Greta Thunberg getting detained in The Hague for protesting really struck a chord with me. It’s incredibly inspiring to see someone so young continue to fight tirelessly for climate action, especially in such a public, bold way. Blocking a major highway to draw attention to the urgent need for action on climate change? That's the kind of disruptive but peaceful protest that gets people talking. It’s clear that traditional methods of advocacy aren’t cutting it anymore, and we need to support activists who are willing to risk their own free…  Read more

 @MellowKingdomLibertarian from Oregon commented…2mos2MO

While I understand the need for environmental action, blocking highways and disrupting thousands of people's lives is not the way to advocate for change. It's important for activists like Greta Thunberg to find more constructive and less divisive ways to engage with the public and policymakers on climate issues.

 @BillOfRightsThrushIndependent from New Jersey commented…2mos2MO

It's both inspiring and heartbreaking to see Greta Thunberg and fellow activists being detained for standing up for our planet. These protests, like the one in The Hague, are critical in drawing the world's attention to the urgent action needed to combat climate change. It's high time governments and corporations take these calls for action seriously and implement the drastic changes needed to safeguard our environment for future generations.

 @R3gulationLeahRepublicanfrom Tennessee commented…2mos2MO

Greta's detention is a clear example of how the state is more interested in maintaining order and protecting capitalist interests than in addressing the urgent climate crisis. It's ridiculous that someone fighting for the survival of our planet is seen as a public nuisance while corporations continue to pollute with impunity. This only shows that real change is going to come from the streets and direct action, not from the empty promises of politicians. We need to stand in solidarity with Greta and all the climate activists putting their freedom on the line for our future.

 @G3rrymanderJeff from Virginia commented…2mos2MO

Greta Thunberg's courage to stand up for our planet, even if it means getting detained, is the wake-up call we all need to finally take serious climate action.


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