Try the political quiz

14 Replies


How would you react if the President of your country was not on the ballot in your state due to a technicality?

 @9LGP2RP from Georgia answered…2mos2MO

It would make me upset because he should have the same rights as the other candidates.

 @9LGLFBJ from Tennessee answered…2mos2MO

I think that the reach of the government is made almost irrelevant when this stuff happens

 @9LGM2K8Democrat from Michigan answered…2mos2MO

It would not really be good, as someone who thinks all need representation, even if i dont like the person, there shouldnt be that excuse.

 @9LGM8TB from Ohio answered…2mos2MO

Id be ok if both trump and Biden were off the ballot in every state, but it should be on every state ballot or off every state ballot, not just taken off a few states


Should there be a national standard for election deadlines to prevent situations where a candidate might be excluded from the ballot in certain states?

 @9LGCC76Democrat from North Carolina answered…2mos2MO

That is up for the Supreme Court to decide. The same thing is happening with Trump and his name being on Colorado or Maine's ballot.

 @9LG9JYF from North Carolina answered…2mos2MO

 @9LG6PVP from California answered…2mos2MO


Is it fair for a candidate to be excluded from a ballot because of conflicting schedules between state laws and party conventions?

 @9LG6PVP from California answered…2mos2MO


Biden could miss the deadline for the November ballot in Alabama, the state’s election chief says…

President Joe Biden could be left off the ballot in Alabama, the state’s elections chief said Tuesday, because the state’s certification deadline comes several


Democrats say there are options to ensure Biden is on Ohio ballot beyond changing state law…

The Democratic National Convention is set for after Ohio's candidate certification deadline, but Democrats said they think there are options to ensuring President Biden is on the ballot besides state lawmakers taking action by May 9.


President Biden, If Democracy is on the Ballot, Act Now to Protect it | Opinion…

President Biden must protect Americans and American democracy from corruption, and to ensure our elections are free and fair.


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