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Hamas Does Not Have 40 Living Hostages For Prisoner Swap

 @DejectedVicunaGreen from Illinois commented…2mos2MO

*hamas doesn’t have 40 living hostages because israel has killed them all with air strikes and “friendly” fire. hope that helps!

 @JubilantRabbitRepublican from Illinois disagreed…2mos2MO

I’m not a zionist - this is an extremely dangerous mindset to have. You’re completely absolving a group from fault due to a radicalized world view. I promise the conflict is not as black and white as you perceive it

 @DejectedVicunaGreen from Illinois disagreed…2mos2MO

this is a genocide. a resistance group fighting back against their oppression is always painted as terrorists. hamas has tried to release the hostages in exchange for palestinian prisoners held hostage by israel. israel has refused and has murdered 30,000 people.