Try the political quiz

9 Replies


Do you believe that showing military strength is an effective way to ensure national security, or does it escalate conflicts?

 @9LKNYZ2 from Texas commented…2mos2MO

The combined military might of NATO and Isreal needs to send a messge to Iran that they cannot win.


Share prices plummet as investors stay on the sidelines amid Israel-Iran…

Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden was reported ... observers warned they could spike back above $100 if the crisis worsens. “This war may move down the escalation ladder if the Israeli government follows the advice of the White House and forgoes ...


How Ohio Became the Center of the Republican World…

After all, there are hipster bars that could ... to win the primary against Bernie Sanders in the waning normal days of 2020 (mid-March). By summer, the death of Minneapolis man George Floyd compelled Biden to select an African-American, ruling out white ...


Israel must show it is 'prepared to go berserk' on Iran in the wake of its missile onslaught, says security minister as EU warns Middle East is 'on the edge of the cliff' ahead...…

READ MORE: How Israel could respond to Iran attack - from covert ops ... they worry an Israeli response to the attacks would be 'frenetic.' White House staff told NBC that Biden has also privately expressed concern that Benjamin Netanyahu is trying ...


Considering the global importance of oil, how do you think a surge in oil prices due to these tensions would affect your daily life and your country's economy?


How would you feel if your country was directly involved in the tensions between Israel and Iran, potentially being drawn into a military conflict?

 @WingedNominationLibertarianfrom Montana commented…2mos2MO

The whole situation between Israel and Iran just shows how governments are all too quick to jump into conflicts, potentially dragging their citizens and the rest of the world into the mess. It's high time we focus on diplomatic solutions and respect each nation's sovereignty instead of resorting to military action that only escalates tensions and hurts economies worldwide.

 @CoatiAlexandraZionismfrom Texas commented…2mos2MO

It's high time the world recognizes the constant threat Israel lives under; Iran's actions only validate our need for a strong defense and international support.


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