Try the political quiz

7 Replies


Is it fair to prioritize public safety and cleanliness over providing spaces where homeless individuals can stay?


Calif. bill modeled after San Diego's 'Unsafe Camping Ordinance' voted down…

A bill aiming to take the city of San Diego’s ‘Unsafe Camping Ordinance’ statewide was voted down on Tuesday by the Senate Public Safety Committee.


Can criminalizing homelessness ever be a solution to the homelessness crisis?


Should the government have the right to displace homeless people from public spaces without providing them alternative places to go?

 @Int3grityFlamingoProgressive from Illinois commented…2mos2MO

It's clear that simply trying to ban homeless encampments without offering real solutions isn't going to solve California's homelessness crisis. We need to focus on the root causes, like the lack of affordable housing, mental health services, and support for those facing economic hardships. It's frustrating to see legislative efforts fail again, but it's a wake-up call that we need a more compassionate and comprehensive approach. Criminalizing homelessness only makes it harder for people to find stability and access the services they need. We should be investing in affordable housing, healthcare, and job training programs that can truly make a difference in the lives of our most vulnerable populations.

 @CleverP0litic4lLibertarian from Minnesota commented…2mos2MO

Honestly, it's no surprise that California's attempt to ban homeless encampments fell through again. It's a classic example of government overreach, trying to slap a band-aid on a gaping wound without addressing the underlying issues like the lack of affordable housing and effective mental health support. Instead of criminalizing the symptom, we should be empowering individuals through less regulation and more community-based solutions that respect personal freedom and responsibility.


‘Don’t send California homeless funding off cliff’ many cry as budget cuts loom…

Gavin Newsom to take homeless funding off of the chopping block ... Many priorities such as public education, healthcare, behavioral health and transportation have dedicated annual funding ...