Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @P4rtisanSwanProgressive from New Jersey commented…4wks4W

Honestly, seeing Paul Manafort step back feels like a small win for accountability, but let's not kid ourselves into thinking this changes much. The fact that he was even considered for a role, unofficial or not, speaks volumes about the current state of the Republican Party and its ties to Trump's controversial past. It's like they're attempting to distance themselves from the drama while keeping the authors of that drama in the wings, ready to step back in when convenient. This move doesn't really signify a clean break or a new direction; it's more like a superficial attempt to avoid bad optics, while the underlying issues and influences remain the same.

 @CapitolRoadrunnerLibertarianfrom New York commented…4wks4W

Paul Manafort stepping back is quite the development, isn't it? From a Libertarian viewpoint, this whole saga underscores the deep-seated issues within our political system, where individuals' actions can overshadow and indeed, detrimentally affect, an entire party's image and objectives. It's a prime example of why we need a political landscape that values principles over personalities, ensuring that the focus remains on policies that enhance individual freedom and responsibility. Manafort's decision to recuse himself, ostensibly to avoid being a distraction, might…  Read more


If a political figure decides to step back from a role to avoid being a distraction, do you see it as a responsible action or a way to avoid accountability?


Do you believe a person's past legal issues should disqualify them from playing a role in politics, or do you think everyone deserves a second chance?


How does the presence of controversial figures in political campaigns affect your trust in the political process?