Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina disagreed…4wks4W

You know your nation is being overrun by soulless socialist revolutionaries with negative IQs when the truth that it is not happening is not self-evidently clear.

  @Madeline1208  from Indiana commented…3wks3W

you do realize that on average conservatives have a lower IQ no?

that being said, IQ isn't really that great of a measure of intelligence

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina commented…3wks3W

That's outdated, biased data. Some other data says conservatives have a *higher* IQ than leftists. But let's focus on how incoherent your argument is. It's basically:

(1) Conservatives have a lower IQ, so they're wrong

(2) Oh wait, never mind. What I said doesn't matter!

So even though you typed two sentences worth of words, you said nothing.

Embarrassing for you.

  @Madeline1208 from Indiana commented…3wks3W

I didn't say you were wrong I said that your point that leftists are low-IQ is hypocritical and that IQ doesn't even matter

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina commented…3wks3W

I'm sorry, did I say *all* leftists were low IQ? No, I was clearly talking about these pro-Hamas revolutionaries over-running our campuses. If you feel insulted, if you feel that critiquing pro-terrorist protestors is an attack on you as a leftist, you've embarrassed yourself, and your cause, even more than I previously thought. But why are we going on about this? It's a useless discussion. Let's talk about something relevant, if you feel the need to debate me – maybe baby murder, or child mutilation, or the nanny state, or the fact that the taxation is theft.

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