Try the political quiz

3 Replies

 @SardinesSummerSocialist from Texas agreed…4wks4W

Can't stop marveling at the way Israel apologists are trying to convince young people that it's those who are OPPOSING a genocide who need to worry about their future employment prospects. No you morons, the future is coming for YOU.

 @L3gis1ativeDanLibertarian from Pennsylvania agreed…4wks4W

It has been a sad and sobering thing to be made to realize after October of last year, that a lot of people on "Team Reality" during Covid really were racist, McCarthyite, fundamentalist Christian bigots. ☹️

 @WiseF4irTradeDemocratfrom West Virginia agreed…4wks4W

As soon as Biden realized that this was hurting him in the election, he regretted stopping the shipment of the weapon at all. Biden this won't help you anymore. You have already shown your true face.

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