Try the political quiz

55 Replies

 @9NHS5NN from Texas answered…4 days4D

 @9L4Z23BIndependent  from Pennsylvania answered…2wks2W

 @9NQRP2R from Texas answered…14hrs14H

 @9NPXKX8 from Massachusetts answered…22hrs22H

Yes and Alyssa should have their own special travelings for the length of their entire journey. This will decrease traffic, make better time and shorten waits for passengers.

 @9NMN89T from Georgia answered…2 days2D

No, I don't think other forms of transportation development in cities should take priority.

 @9NMLQ35 from New York answered…2 days2D

Yes, to ensure safety, but will probably taken advantage of and be an unnecessary cost

 @9NMHG2K from Texas answered…2 days2D

In the distant future once autonomous vehicles are a significant portion of all traffic

 @9NLZLPXDemocrat from North Carolina answered…3 days3D

 @9NLZF63Democrat from New York answered…3 days3D

 @9NJVTYS from Texas answered…4 days4D

if the citizens of the city feel the need for it and decide as a city sure why not

 @9NHYGMDfrom Guam answered…4 days4D

 @9NHS8MRGreen from California answered…4 days4D

The carpool lane could work for autonomous cars if there are at least 2 people in it.

 @9NHKQ6V from Oklahoma answered…5 days5D

 @9NH9XB8from Maine answered…5 days5D

 @9NFW3WLfrom British Columbia answered…5 days5D

No, but governments should still regulate the use of autonomous vehicles.

 @9NFGRXK from North Carolina answered…6 days6D

 @9NDQ2VCLibertarian from Washington answered…6 days6D

Yes, cities should try different ideas for how to accommodate autonomous driving

 @9NCVR3Kfrom Virginia answered…7 days7D

 @9NC6KKJDemocrat from New York answered…1wk1W

 @9NC45VKRepublican from Indiana answered…1wk1W

 @Paculino  from North Carolina answered…1wk1W

Yes, but not at the expense of bus lanes, bike lanes, sidewalks, or pedestrianized areas.

 @9N92GYS from North Carolina answered…1wk1W

 @9N8VZSC from Utah answered…1wk1W

 @9N7W6QB from Pennsylvania answered…1wk1W

 @9N6XZGY from Georgia answered…1wk1W

 @9N5K7CV from Maryland answered…2wks2W

Yes, only if autonomous vehicles are widely implemented and such infrastructure is necessary

 @9N4YTQ7 from Kentucky answered…2wks2W

Not yet. While autonomous vehicles are likely in the future the technology to make it useful isn't in place yet

 @9N3QRTH from California answered…2wks2W

No, the government should completely ban autonomous vehicles instead

 @9FNXKJWLibertarian  from Minnesota answered…2wks2W

  @JcawolfsonIndependent  from Pennsylvania answered…2wks2W

No, but they should have special and noticeably different license plates to ensure public safety

  @8T83KJZ  from Connecticut answered…2wks2W

 @9N2FJTH from Texas answered…2wks2W

Yes, but only after further research is done to see the impact of autonomous vehicles.

 @9MYMGYN from Georgia answered…2wks2W

Yes, eventually, when the volume of autonomous vechicles is significant.

 @9MXV7HQPeace and Freedom from Pennsylvania answered…2wks2W

Yes but the companies that make them should be taxed for them and the people who buy them

 @9MWX338 from South Carolina answered…2wks2W

 @9MWPPS8 from Georgia answered…2wks2W

No, unless those lanes are for autonomous public transit vehicles like self-driving buses or trams.

 @9MWD39GProgressive from Minnesota answered…2wks2W

Eventually, once there is a significant amount of autonomous vehicles on the road

 @9MW35WN from Florida answered…2wks2W

 @9MTZNC4 from North Carolina answered…2wks2W

Yes, but move slowly on designing such lanes until self-driving cars become a more ubiquitous presence on the road

 @Levi-Blevins  from Virginia answered…2wks2W

 @9MRVDQD from Pennsylvania answered…2wks2W

 @9MRMZ49 from Montana answered…2wks2W

No, cities should ban autonomous vehicles until they are safer to operate.

 @9MQ7LCM from Florida answered…2wks2W

That would cost money and no municipality would be able to afford that.

 @99M6G59Independent  from Arizona answered…2wks2W

No, and I’m skeptical about the viability of autonomous vehicles at the moment

 @9MPXLG7 from Connecticut answered…2wks2W

Yes, but only if the expansion of autonomous vehicles makes it necessary for safety.

 @9MPNYMJ from Illinois answered…2wks2W

Yes, but only after autonomous vehicles have reached a critical mass in the consumer market.

 @9MPDYZ3 from New Jersey answered…2wks2W

Autonomous vehicles should be fully banned until there is record-able evidence that they are 100% safe at all times

  @BullMooseQuakerAmerican Solidarity  from Kentucky answered…2wks2W

 @9MNYC2G from North Carolina answered…2wks2W

 @Dougfrom Maine answered…2wks2W

Yes, Autonomous Vehicles should be on guided pathways not special lanes.


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