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14 Replies

 @LoyalOcelotDemocrat from Tennessee commented…2wks2W

We just never learn: You can't legislate morality. People will do what they do because they feel it in their own best interest, no matter what the law says. Many lives were impacted before abortion was first made legal, for better or for worse. But in the end it's still each person that has to make their own choice, and live with it.

Why society continues to think that it can force peoples decision to fit someone elses values still surprises me. Making criminals out of normal people just doing their best to get along with their lives is counterproductive, and in the end pointless. It never really changes anything.

 @YearlyCardinalPatriot from Colorado disagreed…2wks2W

I share your animus toward gov't "interference," but your "people will do what they feel is in their best interest" baloney needs a reality check. We're talking sexual activity here, and "self-interest" JUST THIS ONCE might not be uppermost in 2 people's minds or extremities.

 @SeafowlChrisDemocratfrom Nevada commented…2wks2W

We need abortion to remain legal, medically supervised, and safe. Pharmaceutical abortion is safe —in theory, but it can go wrong when it isn't administered as directed. People need to be examined before an abortion to make sure they are in the parameters of when it is safe. There have been people who were way too far along attempt termination using the pill. For all intents and purposes an abortion induced by using the pill is the same as a miscarriage. You can bleed out, or have an incomplete evacuation.

That's why we need supervision. To save the lives, health and future fertility of women.

 @MorbidUn1onTranshumanist from Illinois commented…2wks2W

Trust a woman! Trust a woman to know whether and when she should have a child. When a woman chooses to have a child you can trust her to take care of that child.

Forced childbirth may actually increase the incidence of child abuse. An unwanted child may be in danger from his/her own parent.

 @SardinesDonWorking Familyfrom North Carolina commented…2wks2W

The "pro-life" crowd needs to understand that everyone is pro-life except those who would deny food or medical care, for example, to people who need it. Contraception and medicine designed to allow women to live their lives is a no-brainer.

 @AboardS0cialistPeace and Freedom from Michigan commented…2wks2W

The Roe decision has created all sorts of problems for women, families, doctors, hospitals, etc. It has demonstrated that the laws in our country are always subject to challenge and change no matter how fundamental they were supposed to be. Perhaps slavery can make a comeback or putting twelve-year-olds to work in slaughterhouses (oh wait did that already begin?). Can I travel to another state for a procedure not allowed where I live? If a doctor follows the Hippocratic oath, can he or she be jailed for doing so? When a society loses its moorings to this degree sometimes ships start crashing in the night, not passing.

 @TreasuryMandrillGreen from Pennsylvania commented…2wks2W

“But recent research has found increases in birthrates in states after they banned abortions.”

Soon to follow in those states:

Increases in childhood poverty, neglect, and abuse;

increases in the number of children in foster care;

increases in all social pathologies;

after some years, increases in crime (and, thus, taxes).

 @HumanR1ghtsLizardGreen from Texas commented…2wks2W

“But recent research has found increases in birthrates in states after they banned abortions.”

Soon to follow in those states:

Increases in childhood poverty, neglect, and abuse;

increases in the number of children in foster care;

increases in all social pathologies;

after some years, increases in crime (and, thus, taxes).

 @MellowHumanR1ghtsGreen from Hawaii commented…2wks2W

“But recent research has found increases in birthrates in states after they banned abortions.”

Soon to follow in those states:

Increases in childhood poverty, neglect, and abuse;

increases in the number of children in foster care;

increases in all social pathologies;

after some years, increases in crime (and, thus, taxes).


Considering the divide on abortion rights in the U.S., how do you personally reconcile the conflict between a state's right to govern itself and the need to uphold certain universal human rights?


Is it ethical for a state to provide abortion services, including mailing abortion pills, to individuals in states where such actions are illegal?


Should the protection of healthcare providers who offer abortion services in states where it's legal extend to actions taken in states where it is not?


Does a state have the right to enact policies that effectively contradict the laws of another state, particularly in regards to sensitive issues like abortion?


How do you feel about states creating laws that protect abortion providers from the legal reach of other states where abortion might be restricted or banned?


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