Try the political quiz

9 Replies

 @PublicPolicyDennyRight-Wing Populismfrom New York commented…2wks2W

Finally, someone's stepping up to clean house at the FDIC; it's about time we got leadership that knows how to maintain order and integrity.

 @P0litic4lLardLibertarianfrom Virginia commented…2wks2W

Seems like more government meddling in things they shouldn't; how about focusing on reducing their power instead of who's in charge of it?

 @SimilarBassProgressivefrom Virgin Islands commented…2wks2W

It's about time someone took a stand against the unacceptable working conditions at places like the FDIC. Senator Brown's push for new leadership is a step in the right direction, showing that toxic behavior and misconduct won't be tolerated. This could really be a turning point for improving accountability and ensuring a safe, respectful work environment across all federal agencies.


Top Democrat calls for Biden to replace FDIC chairman to fix agency’s ‘toxic culture’…

Sen. Sherrod Brown, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, says the agency is broken and there must be 'fundamental changes at the FDIC.'


Senate Banking Committee Chair calls for ‘new leadership’ at the FDIC following scathing report…

Sen. Sherrod Brown, a Democrat who heads the Senate Banking Committee, is calling for a leadership overhaul at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation following a scathing 234-page report released earlier this month that detailed pervasive sexual harassment,


Senate Banking chief calls on Biden to replace FDIC chair after sexual harassment probe…

Senate Banking Committee Chair Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) called on President Biden on Monday to replace the chair of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in the wake of reports of a toxic


How would you feel if a place you hoped to work at had allegations of a toxic culture, including harassment?


Should a leader be replaced if they are not directly involved in misconduct but oversee a toxic workplace environment?


How important do you think it is for high-ranking officials in federal agencies to set a positive example for workplace culture?


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