Try the political quiz

6 Replies


What are your thoughts on the importance of a candidate presenting themselves as a 'true conservative' or 'true liberal' in elections?

 @9MNM7BT from New Jersey commented…2wks2W

They should present themselves as they are, not try and fit into one of two ideologies. That simply causes division, either 100% for them or 100% against them.


Thomas Massie handily defeats GOP primary challengers, AP projects…

Kentucky Republican Rep. Thomas Massie was projected to win his party primary in the fourth congressional district on Tuesday evening. Massie handily triumphed over primary challengers Michael McGinnis and Eric Deters. As of press time, the incumbent led ...


Roberts trounces Massey in contentious race for 66th House District in N. Ky.

Roberts, who billed himself as the more conservative candidate, got about 74 percent of the vote in a particularly divisive race against a former lawmaker.


How does the idea of a candidate winning by a large margin in a primary election make you feel about the power of your vote?