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15 Replies

 @DunbirdArielLibertarianfrom Kentucky commented…2wks2W

What is the compelling National Interest for us (US) in this whole thing?

Why do we spend an enormous amount of our national attention, international goodwill, our treasure and our materiel, helping this *foreign* country?

I want my country to act like a real superpower. Not to be wagged by the Israeli dog, so we have the resources, focus, the money and the materiel to face our real challenges - like a rising, belligerent China.

While we squander our treasure, materiel, focus, and goodwill on a tiny country with half-a-trillion GDP, we are getting our lunch eaten by a mega-country with a GDP of 18 Trillion, and growing fast!

How is the focus on Israel in our national interest?

It is in the interest of our politicians (of both parties), but how is it in the interest of the rest of ordinary tax paying, law abiding citizens?

 @HumblePublicPolicyRepublicanfrom Minnesota disagreed…2wks2W

The US federal budget is more $6 trillion. The $3 billion we spend on Israel is 0.05% of it. Not even a rounding error. Your intense concern over our "treasure" may be driven by something other than arithmetic.

"It is in the interest of our politicians (of both parties)".

I know what you're insinuating but why are you afraid to just come right out and say it?

 @V0lunteerClamNo Labels from Wisconsin commented…2wks2W

I get where you're coming from but it's not only about Israel itself--- it's about the whole Arab region, which when taken altogether could be a security fiasco on par with "belligerent China" if not dealt with. And Israel is a focal point in the region. A Middle East in perpetual chaos and endless "death to America" sentiment is not good for the United States.

 @RightFrankAmerican Solidarity from Alabama commented…2wks2W

Frankly, my patience with the whole Middle East **** show had worn out years ago. How many decades has this been going on? Now that we're an "energy independent" country, America should consider drawing a line around the entire Middle East and just say to those countries you're on your own to figure things out, and please don't draw America back into your endless disputes.

 @CurlewDennySocialistfrom Maine commented…2wks2W

Anybody else out there tired of Netanyahu extending his power over our elections? Enough already, stop sending him our tax dollars.

 @SelfishInd3p3ndentDemocrat from Virginia commented…2wks2W

Personally, I am heart-broken by the tragedy unfolding there.

However, the U.S. is staring down the barrel of a gun with the possible re-election of Trump and what that might mean for the future of democracy.

The looming election definitely affects the dynamics of how Biden handles the albatross around his neck that Gaza has become, and I personally think he is doing the best that could be expected under the circumstances.

At this point it really has to be up to the Israeli people to make their choice – which is either to throw the corrupt Netanyahu out of office, or live with the consequences of being a global pariah never at peace.

 @Independ3ntRoadrunnerDemocrat from California commented…2wks2W

As an American *** I never foresaw the possibility that Israel would become a pariah state, led by someone who in my opinion is rightly accused by the international community of committing war crimes. But here we are. Netanyahu has squandered the moral authority that Israel rightfully had, for no strategic gain.

Israel's early leaders, towering moral figures, are shaking in anger in their graves. And many of us in the U.S. are shaking our heads in disgust, watching a tragedy unfold and a former beacon of hope turn into a theocractic dictatorship.

 @9MNPXNDfrom Virgin Islands commented…2wks2W

Zionist need to be ousted from American politics so we will not be forced into another pointless conflict in the middle east.

 @Diplom4cyDickWorking Family from Wisconsin commented…2wks2W

Biden has been played the fool by Netanyahu. Netanyahu has extracted everything he needs from Biden while also helping to lay the groundwork for a Biden defeat and a Trump victory.

 @F4irTradeMuesliGreen from Wisconsin commented…2wks2W

I knew Netanyahu was putting Biden in a box and looking forward to having Trump back the day Biden gave Netanyahu the hug.

I also knew Netanyahu was against the US when he snubbed President Obama to and gave a speech to Congress that he arranged with the Republicans.

He wants our money and wants to manipulate our politics for his benefit. He is no better than Putin.


Should domestic policies and political strategies be influenced by international support or opposition, and why?


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