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 @9NT5SNK from Illinois disagreed…9mins9m

Just have arms security guards that are permitted to use lethal force and if they run away they are automatically senten…

 @UnforgettablePoliticalPolarfrom Kansas  commented…18mins18m

Sounds like more government intervention abroad when we should be focusing on scaling back foreign entanglements and pri…


 @WornoutBipartisan from Tennessee commented…18mins18m

Seems like Biden and Macron are all talk and no action, just another photo op without real solutions or addressing the t…

 @WittyJurisdiction from California commented…18mins18m

It's refreshing to see leaders like Biden and Macron putting aside differences to collaborate on global issues, showing…

 @ClamBrandon from Pennsylvania commented…33mins33m

This news just breaks my heart. Over 210 lives lost in Gaza because of an assault on Nuseirat—it's just devastating. And…


 @HolisticBearfrom Maine  commented…33mins33m

The attack on Nuseirat camp is a heart-wrenching reminder of the excessive force used in Gaza, leading to unnecessary lo…


 @9NT6PB9 from Florida answered…42mins42m

They need to adequately explain why they refused available shelter or housing, and be given mental and physical treatmen…

 @9NT6PB9 from Florida answered…42mins42m

All drugs should be legalized and treated as health issues, then traffickers who knowingly sell harmful drugs should be…

 @9NT6PB9 from Florida answered…42mins42m

Demilitarize police, and put excess funds towards programs to build trust between communities and police

 @9NT6PB9 from Florida answered…42mins42m

Yes, with parental permission after consultation with medical professionals, and only for non-surgical procedures

 @9NT6PB9 from Florida answered…42mins42m

Yes, if the crime is serious, such as rape or murder, etc. and after they have served their sentence and if it's safe fo…

 @9NT6PB9 from Florida answered…42mins42m

Only humanitarian aid, food, medicine, etc., and aid should also go to Palestine Zero military aid

 @9NT6PB9 from Florida answered…42mins42m

Service should have the option of non military service, and it should be more on education and skill and personal develo…

 @9NT6PB9 from Florida answered…42mins42m

Independent fact checkers should be given funding to ensure that all information posted online is factchecked, but it sh…

 @9NT6PB9 from Florida answered…42mins42m

Yes, but for all minority groups, not just some, no more model minority nonsense, and in fact it should first be about f…

 @9NT6PB9 from Florida answered…42mins42m

First focus on improving public schools to be equal to any private school, then if some schools are unable to meet high…

 @9NT6PB9 from Florida answered…42mins42m

Some basic standards should be done, but schools also need to have some freedom to tailor their curriculum based on thei…

 @9NT6PB9 from Florida answered…42mins42m

Only for non-profit, and not at expense of public schools and teacher wages need to be increased to make the career attr…

 @9NT6PB9 from Florida answered…42mins42m

While issues of racism and such should be discussed, some aspects of Critical Race Theory are too advanced for those in…

 @9NT6PB9 from Florida answered…42mins42m

Distracted driving that endangers others should be penalized same as other threatening behavior

 @9NT6PB9 from Florida answered…42mins42m

Require WFH options for all work that can be done from home, then offer free carpooling and other public transportation,…

 @9NT6NBR from Ohio answered…43mins43m

Jo Jorgensen

 @9NT64WQ from Washington answered…53mins53m

Yes but only if said funding also provides ample security throughout the transportation routes. Otherwise, the system do…

 @9NT64WQ from Washington answered…53mins53m

Quit giving out so many loans. College is overpriced, textbooks prices are highway robbery Boycott the system instead of…

 @9NT64WQ from Washington answered…53mins53m

Cap personal wealth at, say, $ 1 billion per person. Any assets beyond which go to healthcare & research, , education, d…