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 @9NSWGVT from Tennessee answered…8mins8m

No, standards can be good but education isn’t meant to be uniform, standardized tests are not helpful, and most standard…

 @9NSWGVT from Tennessee answered…8mins8m

No, we should support public schools that teach traditional American values and also support religious schools with tax…

 @DemocratBarryfrom Delaware  commented…10mins10m

Handing power over to military control and stripping away our rights is just the kind of authoritarian move that proves…

 @SoreQu0rum from California commented…10mins10m

Seriously worried about how embracing a 'post-Constitutional' vision under Trump could undermine the very fabric of our…


 @ScornfulS3curity from Mississippi commented…11mins11m

This 'post-Constitutional' vision is a direct threat to our democracy, and we must fight to uphold the principles that t…


 @PlayfulFeder4l1st from Delaware commented…11mins11m

The idea of a 'post-Constitutional' America under a potential second Trump term is deeply concerning and goes against th…

 @QuaintNightingale from Oregon commented…11mins11m

Finally, someone who understands that radical measures are needed to cleanse and reclaim our great nation from the brink…

 @PublicPol1cySquirrel from Indiana commented…11mins11m

America was built on the bedrock of constitutional governance, and any move away from that threatens the very monarchy-l…

 @ZestfulCoyotefrom Kansas  commented…11mins11m

It's high time we had leaders willing to take the necessary steps to restore order and respect for authority in America,…

 @9NSW9RC from Virginia answered…19mins19m

I'd rather vote for someone involved in federal government at this point in time.

 @9NSW9RC from Virginia answered…19mins19m

At some point, education should be free. However this would require a societal change and at first, partial tuition and…

 @DeterminedBallotfrom Indiana  commented…25mins25m

Finally, someone's stepping up to challenge Orbán and his grip on Hungary! Peter Magyar's promise to unlock those EU fun…

 @VoterBartfrom Florida  commented…40mins40m

Finally, the world is seeing the strength and unity of India under Prime Modi's leadership, as he continues to elevate o…

 @EagerWasp from California commented…41mins41m

Modi's win just goes to show that the people of India recognize the importance of strong, decisive leadership that prior…

 @L1bertySophia from California commented…41mins41m

It's heartening to see PM Modi and the BJP continue their mission to propel India into a stronger position globally, tru…


 @9NSVMXC from Maryland answered…56mins56m

He blames immigrants for americas problems.

 @9NSVGXY from Florida answered…1hr1H

Not a viable candidate

 @9NSV2XG from Florida answered…1hr1H

He's insane

 @9NSV2PN from New Jersey answered…1hr1H

Miranda Bailey

 @9NSV2PN from New Jersey answered…1hr1H

Paula Abdul

 @9NSTWJ6 from Texas answered…2hrs2H

Yes, if and only if products that contain more than 50% of biodegradable material are priced relatively the same.

 @9NSTSZZfrom Northern Mariana Islands  answered…2hrs2H

Yes. But if the police acted in a manner that is obviously outside of accepted procedure, then they lose it.

 @9NSTP6Z from Alabama answered…2hrs2H

Yes, but have incentives and rules to stay in the homeless shelter. Drug tested, finding work, no crimes.

 @9NSTP6Z from Alabama answered…2hrs2H

No, focus on making cleaner public transportation.

 @ccf88342709 from Texas answered…2hrs2H

Yes, except where new infrastructure is absolutely needed