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 @9LR4WJN from Florida answered…1hr1H

No, but attempt to provide lower interest rates for student loans, and also to help provide more scholarship opportuniti…

 @9LR3KV9 from Illinois answered…2hrs2H

No, and we should minimize college and university use for specific degrees and move to a standard of apprenticeships and…

 @9LQXDY2from Virgin Islands  answered…5hrs5H

No, however improved transparency and explanation to students is needed to avoid excessive debt and controlled interest…

 @9LQVBQV from Texas answered…9hrs9H

no should not be on the federal government they have kids of their own but as stated previously student loans should be…

 @9LQQBT9 from Wisconsin answered…15hrs15H

No, but provide scholarships for students to give more incentive for the students to work for receiving the money.

 @9LQPSNB from Arizona answered…15hrs15H

Personally I have free college due to my dad being a 100% disabled vet so I never get into the college things

 @9LQLW5B from Virginia answered…19hrs19H

Lower the cost of public school tuition for all students, private schools can base their price ranging off of these for…

 @9LQGCGT from California answered…21hrs21H

Maybe colleges and Universities shouldn't be run like businesses that send people into crippling student debt just for a…

 @9LQF96N from New Jersey answered…22hrs22H

I think government should give colleges more money so they could lower interest rates for loans and give more opportunit…

 @9LQF67X from Texas answered…22hrs22H

It depends on the plan they have like for people who serve the army them their spouse and children should have a paid of…

 @9LQD3JK from North Carolina answered…22hrs22H

Yes, but (a) only public universities and (b) trim down all the unnecessary administrators adn programs that make colleg…