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 @N46J74 από την New Jersey απάντησε…4 χρονών4Y

Cut redundancy, administrative levels, perks and salaries (e.g. generals and officers in Washington who are no longer in combat) and reallocate military spending to more contemporary needs - e.g. intelligence, terrorist cell infiltration, interpreters. Also spend on technology and surveillance which will keep less US boots on the groung

 @N3YJWC από την Arkansas απάντησε…4 χρονών4Y

I think that we should be more efficient with our military spending, as well as being mindful of how much we're spending on items on an individual level. Be wary of companies that are inflating prices and amounts of/on goods and services to nickle and dime the american people.

 @N3TCGV από την Mississippi απάντησε…4 χρονών4Y

This one is tricky. Philosophically, I do not support a large standing military, but the reality of the global events has deemed it a necessary reality. Defending ourselves is important, but Americans should never be mislead and neither should the United States act pre-emptively. As long as we are responsible, then no, the government should not cut spending.

 @N3KHS4 από την Minnesota απάντησε…4 χρονών4Y

 @N3K4DF από την Connecticut απάντησε…4 χρονών4Y

The government needs to remove itself from the political mismanaging of military assets. Buying or cancelling orders should be as quick as other military decisions, with the responsibility for making those resting with those who exercise that authority.

 @N3JL9D από την Kansas απάντησε…4 χρονών4Y

Streamline military spending to reduce waste, expand military wages to keep our troops out of poverty and expand pensions and medical care so that no veteran goes hungry, homeless or without proper medical and theraputic care.

 @N34SMZ από την Washington απάντησε…4 χρονών4Y

 @N2SQQ5 από την Florida απάντησε…4 χρονών4Y

Military spending should be expanded to ensure the military personnel are supported (medical, education, health, etc.). We should keep the promises we made to the men and women who joined the military. What should be cut is spending on pork barrel projects (planes that don't fly, for instance). As we stand down from the various wars we are involved in, veterans and their families should receive the healthcare they need, the psychological help they need, job training, and help until they have fully transitioned back to civilian life.

 @N2L7ML από την California απάντησε…4 χρονών4Y

They way we handle our Military is shameful!!!! We underpay and mistreat and prosecute them for doing their job! We leave them without backup and protection while our "Commander in Chief" watches them get massacred. I could go and on....
No we shouldn't cut spending. They deserve each and every penny they get and more. Their underwater mortgages should have been the first to be bailed out. But no we furlough them. we let their mortgages, car payments, etc. get behind while they are fighting for our freedom. then we offer no help at all....shameful!!!!!

 @MZLHC8 από την Florida απάντησε…4 χρονών4Y

Only in the state of armed conflict or where armed conflict is an imminent threat should we increase military spending. Until that time comes, we should maintain how much we spend. Cutting government funding for our military would only have negative effects on our country's immunity to foreign attacks.

 @MGQ32Y από την Arkansas απάντησε…4 χρονών4Y

 @LZKQYV από την Ohio απάντησε…4 χρονών4Y

Due to a personal experience in my military service, I firmly believe the Defense Department should be fully funded but that the budget needs to be a "Zero Based" rather than "Cost plus" system.

 @KSVW8J από την North Carolina απάντησε…4 χρονών4Y

Use the military, not only as a defense agency, but also a method, to allow people obtain a less expensive education, and prep them for the job market. Cut the spending on non-war conflicts, use that money to increase its training, veteran education programs, and programs where the military helps at home with various disasters and situations and needy people.

 @GHMKBV από την New York απάντησε…4 χρονών4Y