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Compare with Friends

Which of your friends are most similar or opposite of your beliefs?

I side with Hillary Clinton on most Electoral issues in the 2016 Presidential Election.

You side on electoral issues with...

Voter Fraud

Most Important to me

Should a photo ID be required to vote? stats discuss

You: No

Hillary Clinton’s similar answer: No, this will disadvantage those who do not have the resources to obtain one

Candidate Transparency

Most Important to me

Should political candidates be required to release their recent tax returns to the public? stats discuss

You, Jill Stein and Hillary Clinton: Yes

You do not side on electoral issues with...

Voter Fraud

Most Important to me

Should a photo ID be required to vote? stats discuss

Donald Trump: Yes, this will prevent voter fraud

Candidate Transparency

Most Important to me

Should political candidates be required to release their recent tax returns to the public? stats discuss

Donald Trump: No

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