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Which of your friends are most similar or opposite of your beliefs?

I side with Hillary Clinton on most Foreign Policy issues in the 2016 Presidential Election.

You side on foreign policy issues with...


Most Important to me

Should the U.S. continue to support Israel? stats discuss

You: Yes, but deny any US funds for anything for settlements in the occupied territories and deny allowing US funds to be used to make up funding for Israel's spending on settlements in the occupied territories.

United Nations

More Important to me

Should the U.S. remain in the United Nations? stats discuss

You and Hillary Clinton: Yes

Donald Trump’s similar answer: Yes, but scale back our current involvement


Most Important to me

Should foreign terrorism suspects be given constitutional rights? stats discuss

You: Yes

Hillary Clinton’s similar answer: Yes, give them a fair trial and shut down Guantanamo Bay


Most Important to me

Should the military fly drones over foreign countries to gain intelligence and kill suspected terrorists? stats discuss

You: Yes for intelligence operations, no to killing terrorist without a Congressional declaration of war

NSA Surveillance

Most Important to me

Should the U.S. continue NSA surveillance of its allies? stats discuss

You: No, but we need to tighten our definition of ally because too many of our "allies" aren't.

War on ISIS

Most Important to me

Should the U.S. formally declare war on ISIS? stats discuss

You and Jill Stein: No


Most Important to me

Do you support President Obama’s move to lift the trade and travel embargo on Cuba? stats discuss

You and Hillary Clinton: Yes

Foreign Aid

Most Important to me

Should the government increase or decrease foreign aid spending? stats discuss

You: Only increase humanitarian and educational aid, cut military aid, and link the humanitarian aid to human rights

Russian Airstrikes in Syria

Most Important to me

Should the U.S. prevent Russia from conducting airstrikes in Syria? stats discuss

You and Donald Trump: No

ISIS Ground Troops

Most Important to me

Should the government send in ground troops to fight ISIS? stats discuss

You and Hillary Clinton: No

Donald Trump’s similar answer: No, we should stay out of this conflict

Mandatory Military Service

More Important to me

Should every 18 year old citizen be required to provide at least one year of military service? stats discuss

You: Yes

Overthrow of Assad

Most Important to me

Should the U.S. overthrow President Assad of Syria? stats discuss

You: No

Donald Trump’s similar answer: No, this would allow ISIS to control Syria

North Korea Military Strikes

Most Important to me

Should the government conduct military strikes against North Korea in order to destroy their long-range missile and nuclear weapons capabilities? stats discuss

You: Economic sanctions and a total blockade of N Korea must be be tried before any military action.


Most Important to me

Should the military be allowed to use enhanced interrogation techniques, such as waterboarding, to gain information from suspected terrorists? stats discuss

You and Hillary Clinton: No

Gary Johnson’s similar answer: No, torture is an ineffective form of interrogation


Most Important to me

Should our country defend other NATO countries that maintain low military defense budgets relative to their GDP? stats discuss

You: Member of NATO must spend at least 2% of their GDP on military defense, but exceptions must be available for the least economically developed members. Bread and butter before bombs.


Most Important to me

Should the U.S. provide military assistance to defend Ukraine from Russia? stats discuss

You and Donald Trump: Yes, we should provide them weapons to defend themselves but not send our troops

Hillary Clinton’s similar answer: Yes, the Russian invasion of the Ukraine threatens the balance of power in the region


Most Important to me

Should the government provide military aid to Saudi Arabia during its conflict with Yemen? stats discuss

You: No

Gary Johnson and Jill Stein's similar answer: No, we should stay out of conflicts that are not an immediate threat to our security

You do not side on foreign policy issues with...


Most Important to me

Should the U.S. continue to support Israel? stats discuss

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton: Yes

Jill Stein: No, cut all support and aid

United Nations

More Important to me

Should the U.S. remain in the United Nations? stats discuss


Most Important to me

Should foreign terrorism suspects be given constitutional rights? stats discuss

Donald Trump: No, they are not U.S. citizens and do not have constitutional rights


Most Important to me

Should the military fly drones over foreign countries to gain intelligence and kill suspected terrorists? stats discuss

Hillary Clinton: Yes

Donald Trump: Yes, the U.S. needs to use all means necessary to combat terrorism

NSA Surveillance

Most Important to me

Should the U.S. continue NSA surveillance of its allies? stats discuss

Hillary Clinton: No

Donald Trump: Yes, surveillance of all foreign countries is essential to tracking potential terrorist threats

War on ISIS

Most Important to me

Should the U.S. formally declare war on ISIS? stats discuss

Donald Trump: Yes, and send in ground troops

Hillary Clinton: Yes, but only with targeted airstrikes


Most Important to me

Do you support President Obama’s move to lift the trade and travel embargo on Cuba? stats discuss

Donald Trump: No

Foreign Aid

Most Important to me

Should the government increase or decrease foreign aid spending? stats discuss

Donald Trump: Decrease

Hillary Clinton: Increase

Russian Airstrikes in Syria

Most Important to me

Should the U.S. prevent Russia from conducting airstrikes in Syria? stats discuss

Hillary Clinton: Yes, and establish a no-fly zone

ISIS Ground Troops

Most Important to me

Should the government send in ground troops to fight ISIS? stats discuss

Mandatory Military Service

More Important to me

Should every 18 year old citizen be required to provide at least one year of military service? stats discuss

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton: No, service should be a choice instead of an obligation

Overthrow of Assad

Most Important to me

Should the U.S. overthrow President Assad of Syria? stats discuss

Hillary Clinton: Yes, but only if we join an international coalition

North Korea Military Strikes

Most Important to me

Should the government conduct military strikes against North Korea in order to destroy their long-range missile and nuclear weapons capabilities? stats discuss

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton: No, we must use every diplomatic option first


Most Important to me

Should the military be allowed to use enhanced interrogation techniques, such as waterboarding, to gain information from suspected terrorists? stats discuss

Donald Trump: Yes, we must use any means necessary to prevent terrorism


Most Important to me

Should our country defend other NATO countries that maintain low military defense budgets relative to their GDP? stats discuss

Gary Johnson and Donald Trump: Yes

Jill Stein: No, and we should withdraw from NATO

Hillary Clinton: Yes, and refusing to defend other NATO countries sets a dangerous precedent for the balance of global power


Most Important to me

Should the U.S. provide military assistance to defend Ukraine from Russia? stats discuss

Gary Johnson and Jill Stein: No, we should stay out of conflicts that do not directly threaten us


Most Important to me

Should the government provide military aid to Saudi Arabia during its conflict with Yemen? stats discuss

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton: Yes, this will prevent Iran from gaining too much power in the Middle East

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