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 @8NY34KFde Maine répondu…3 ans3Y

Il faut non seulement les régulariser, mais aussi sanctionner les employeurs qui les exploitent en n'appliquant pas le code du travail parce qu'ils n'ont pas de papiers.

 @N7WZXC de Oregon répondu…4 ans4Y

Yes, but only if they are willing to pay taxes, then I'd be willing to create a simple path to citizenship for non-violent criminals. Otherwise, I prefer to heavily fine companies that employ illegal immigrants.

 @N5TNPC de Virginia répondu…4 ans4Y

Allow some form of registration that requires paying taxes and proficiency in English and put them on a path to citizenship but not in front of immigrants legally working toward citizenship.

 @N5S662 de Utah répondu…4 ans4Y

Illegal immigrants who are working and in good standing no arrests should be allowed to stay but be put on the list for immigration behind those that are trying to come hear legally.

 @GKDFD7 de Michigan répondu…3 ans3Y

Current illegal, NO. Future temp work program yes. People can apply for citizenship if they want to be come US.


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