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 @2TLGCMNColorado से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

 @2TLG3SBArizona से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

The government will find a loophole to never give a gun to anyone. I think ex-cons shouldn't have guns. This will reduce law abiding citizens to freedom to protect their families. Look at Puerto Rico. They have loopholes to allowing anyone a gun. Most of the crimes are committed by criminals with guns.

 @2TL4VF3Oregon से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

Aggressive gun restrictions will eventually educate citizens as to the dangers of guns in our society without running afoul of the Constitution. At this stage in our nation's development, the citizenry is still woefully ignorant of the true impact of accidental gun deaths...until it happens in their family or someone they know.

 @2THXL8TArizona से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

Criminals will always be able to get guns because criminals do not obey laws. Laws are made to keep law abiding citizens honest. Criminals could care less how many laws we make. The constitution is my gun permit.

 @2TH9SKHCalifornia से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

The debate on guns must be about amending the 2nd Amendment. Until then, the Constitution states that the right to be armed shall not be infringed therefore any restriction on gun ownership is unconstitutional.

 @2TH9P52Pennsylvania से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

I believe there should be red flags for people with criminal records and serious mental problems or with links to terrorism. I realize also this can be misused so issuing authorities for gun permits would have to be involved and their power limited and monitored for abuse.

 @TerryManning19Tennessee से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

I believe in a 3 day cooling off period from purchase to receiving the gun, but any American not convicted of an offense involving a weapon or gun, murder of any type, should be allowed to own a gun. Extreme government oversight is Un-Constitutional and can lead to a police state.

 @2J23FPYWashington से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

Only support non-family private transfer background checks if a fully functional and coherent system, one which is linked to all justice and mental health data systems, as the current incomplete system is not thorough enough to be truly effective.

 @2HZRLQFNew York से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

No, not only are they not effective, but they also put to much power in the state's hands. Train gun sellers on how to discern sales. Place trade laws to govern those who sell them and then let them govern who they sell to.

 @2HZ5VY8Texas से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

No, because there is no requirement for this in the second amendment. The second amendment says we have the right to "keep and bear" arms. It does not say keep and bear arms if your background check meets some arbitrary standard set by someone in government. We should follow our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

 @2HYQZ44Maine से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

Background checks are a good move. But adding to that, harsher punishment for gun owners when laws are broken involving their weapons. I realize this also effects those who are responsible firearm owners. Owning a firearm has become too much of a casual luxury.

 @2HYFTYDरिपब्लिकनOregon से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

No, background checks are ineffective and a waste of government resources, and of our money, here in Oregon you have to do a background every time you buy a new gun, at 10.00 a pop, unless you buy 2 or 3 at a time at the same store, and FYI there have been several well known shootings done by people that bought them legally, but they were Mentally deficient. Once you have been cleared after a background you shouldn't have to go through it every time, they should have a fast track system, or a short form once you've done it once

 @2HY9R96Washington से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

 @2HWZK4YFlorida से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

 @2HW7TN9Florida से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

 @2HVWY9JFlorida से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

Because of the issue of so many unknown illegals allowed in this country I would have to say what good will a background check do? We have hundreds of thousands of undocumented people and how many have stolen or false identification? Don't infringe on my Second Amendment Rights, but this POTUS has set the stage for serious concern about illegal aliens attaining firearms. Because of this, I'd have to say we need background checks to buy a firearm.

 @sherirbarryHawaii से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

Only violent felons should be prevented from purchasing a gun.....NOT all felons. For example, someone convicted of tax fraud, who has completed the sentence required by the court, should be allowed to purchase a gun.

 @2HTXQZRArkansas से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

Yes, except for private transfer of ownership between family members and Yes, require strict background checks, psychological testing, and training for handguns and automatic weapons. Rifles and shotguns background checks only.

 @2HSGC6QDistrict of Columbia से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

Define public safety. Too subject to abuse. How often have we heard politicians, media, etc saying their opponents are a threat to public safety? How can you claim convicted felons are too dangerous to have a gun but are safe enough to be given back their franchise? Are we saying the vote is really irrelevant?

 @2HRSPPZDistrict of Columbia से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

I am conflicted. Guns need to be controlled. But judicial and law enforcement biases also create criminal record disparities for different racial or ethnic groups. Not sure what a public safety background check encompasses.

 @2HRSLF2Illinois से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

no, this would increase the illegal gun trade for individuals that wouldn't pass in a background check. Thus this would essentially make ti more dangerous due to the a lot of individuals having illegal weapons anyway. This would also increase the crime rate because it makes it more difficult to purchase a gun for people such as store owners, construction workers, and bank employees.

 @2HRRSP7Colorado से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

 @2HR9SD7रिपब्लिकनGeorgia से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

No, I think background checks are largely inefective. However I do believe a firearms safety certification should be required for people owing or puchasing a gun. You need to pass a safety test to drive a car. All hunters take a hunters safety class. Why not require the same for everyone who buys a gun. (Hunters safety should count for firearm safety)

 @2HNSMXKCalifornia से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

the most important thing is that these men and women pass a a fire arms safety class. A back-round check would be helpful, but many people have gone through treatment for addictions and various mental health issues. In some ways, denying a fire-arm to a person with a backround of addiction and mental health issues would be a threat to their own safety.

 @2HMVH4VCalifornia से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

The government can check for criminal record or mental illness, nothing else. And all restrictions on honest Americans carrying concealed or unconcealed guns, knives, swords, flame throwers, assault weapons, ect... should be done away wit has a violation of the 2nd amendment.

 @2HGBWPSLouisiana से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

Depends on what is meant by "pass." We require driver's licenses in order to operate a vehicle on public roads and fishing licenses to fish in public waters, these checks are no more intrusive. However, fishing and driving are not constitutionally protected as is the right to bear arms.

 @2GT374WCalifornia से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

Gun control is not measured by a safety or background checks. Mental status should be tested often. Permits have a price tag. Both should be done yearly...continuing educational mandatory as well. Officers need to calm down, injur not to kill.

 @2FLLQTMColorado से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

Other than for hunting, I don't see a need for anyone to own a gun of any kind. Outside the possibility of banning such guns entirely, I think stringent background and safety checks and extensive training are imperative.

 @2FL74NXPennsylvania से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

YES !!! And public records and "private" records must be known by the decision makers , those who grant the gun ownership licenses . And the criminals and the "semi-insane" should never own a gun .. nor a knife ?

 @2FJR8QY Colorado से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

 @2DY6RV6Virginia से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y