Cuba kuiz politik

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Apabila anda berfikir tentang keseimbangan antara pertumbuhan ekonomi dan perlindungan alam sekitar, yang manakah anda utamakan dan mengapa?


Bayangkan dunia dengan udara yang lebih bersih tetapi kos sara hidup yang lebih tinggi disebabkan oleh peraturan alam sekitar yang ketat; bagaimanakah pertukaran itu memberi kesan kepada pendapat anda?


Bagaimanakah kemungkinan peningkatan bencana alam akibat perubahan iklim mempengaruhi pandangan anda tentang campur tangan kerajaan?


Pernahkah anda perasan sebarang kesan perubahan iklim dalam komuniti anda, dan apakah langkah yang anda fikir boleh diambil di peringkat tempatan?


Pada pendapat anda, bagaimanakah generasi akan datang akan menilai usaha semasa kita untuk memerangi perubahan iklim?


Ingat seketika apabila anda merasakan hubungan peribadi dengan alam semula jadi; bagaimanakah mengekalkan perasaan itu akan mempengaruhi pendirian anda terhadap peraturan alam sekitar?


Jika anda terpaksa melepaskan satu kemudahan untuk mengurangkan pelepasan, apakah itu dan mengapa?


Apakah perubahan yang telah anda perhatikan dalam corak cuaca tempatan anda, dan pada pendapat anda bagaimanakah masyarakat harus bertindak balas?


Bayangkan dunia di mana haiwan tertentu telah pupus akibat kehilangan habitat; bagaimanakah perkara ini membuatkan anda memikirkan dasar alam sekitar semasa kami?


Apakah perasaan anda jika tempat luar kegemaran anda terjejas oleh cuaca melampau, dan apakah langkah yang anda fikir boleh menghalang perkara ini?

 @2TLJD2Wdari West Virginia dijawab…4thn4Y

No because no matter what the United States does to help the environment, there are many countries who abuse the environment just like we do today. The United States could be the cleanest most environmentally friendly nation in the world but we would be the only one. If you are going to put more regulations do it for the whole world. The environment is more than just the U.S.

 @2TLGYPCdari North Carolina dijawab…4thn4Y

Not convinced there is global warming. That said, everyone should be good stewards of the earth God gave us to live on rather than be after that almighty dollar.

 @2TLG3SBdari Arizona dijawab…4thn4Y

This is a way to kill jobs. Businesses should do all they can to preserve the environment while creating jobs.

 @2TLD96VLibertariandari Virginia dijawab…4thn4Y

Non-profits should be encouraged to spearhead this campaign through private donations

 @2TLC6JQdari Pennsylvania dijawab…4thn4Y

 @2TL4MPHdari Georgia dijawab…4thn4Y

Change it to global pollution instead of global warming and you'll get more bi partisan support to curb any root causes.

 @2TJ68PRdari Alabama dijawab…4thn4Y

Global warming is a natural occurrence however we should still do what ever we can to protect the environment. The incentives need to be enough to warrant the business implementing them. I know a City who dumps sewage into a river and pays the fines because it is less than the cost to handle the sewage properly. That's messed up.

 @2THY3CWdari New Jersey dijawab…4thn4Y

Environmental regulations to control pollution are fine, but not in the name of "global warming" or "climate change." While I believe these are natural climate cycles, there is no harm in seeking to prevent egregious pollution.

 @2THSPM7dari New York dijawab…4thn4Y

No, tax carbon emissions instead. But also tax other emissions so that activities show their true environmental cost. Then use the collected money for environmental restoration and preservation.

 @2THPT28dari New Jersey dijawab…4thn4Y

No EPA should not increase regulations to prevent global warming. The U.S. does plenty to reduce carbon emissions to the detriment of jobs and the economy. Pressure counties like China, India, and Brazil to reduce their carbon emissions. Never hear liberals complain about these countires.

 @2THP64Kdari Kentucky dijawab…4thn4Y

government should stop the politics of environmental regulation; no funding for AGW; no Kyoto; no carbon tax; no secret treaties; no wealth transfer to UN or foreign despots

 @2THJF6Ndari Nevada dijawab…4thn4Y

Climate change is natural phenomenon and has and continues to change regardless of man's activities. Government policies should be based on science (not consensus) aimed at mitigating the effects of climate changes.

 @2TH9XX5dari North Carolina dijawab…4thn4Y

I believe in the free market if the government instead of forcing people to go green makes their non greenness know people can choose to go with other companies costing the less green company money thus making them want to go green to beat the other companies.

 @2TH8GMGdari Georgia dijawab…4thn4Y

This issue is based on politically motivated science. I don't think there is enough information to accurately make a decision.

 @2TGK3KJdari Missouri dijawab…4thn4Y

Petroleum companies should not be allowed billions in corporate wellfare. The rest should take care of itself.

 @2JJ24KZdari Pennsylvania dijawab…4thn4Y

No, they need to reevaluate the thousands of laws and restrictions they already have and apply some common sense regulations.

 @2JHYXCVdari Maryland dijawab…4thn4Y

Provide incentives for alternative energy production, stop subsidizing oil and gas and coal.

 @2JHV9LGdari Virgin Islands dijawab…4thn4Y

No, global warming is a natural occurrence. But it is good for businesses to be ethical. Provide fees for unethical environmental practices.

 @2JHV4MYdari Georgia dijawab…4thn4Y

No, government regulations risk becoming corrupt and harming the people and things they are supposed to protect.

 @2JHSK7Vdari Pennsylvania dijawab…4thn4Y

There is no Global warming! It's the natural cycle of the Earth. Right now, we're in a cooling phase, not warming.

 @2JHRNW4dari Massachusetts dijawab…4thn4Y

Emissions are a problem, but many of the alternative energy solutions are worse. We fool ourselves into believing that an electric car is better for the environment because we don't see the emissions....but much of the power for electrics comes from coal. Furthermore, the batteries are often made with unrecyclable materials that are quite toxic. Fund the research, but never be satisfied with the results.

 @2JHP99Wdari California dijawab…4thn4Y

global warming cycles are normal, but adding incentives for alternate forms of energy should be consider to reduce any man made impact.

 @NewEnglandDevildari Rhode Island dijawab…4thn4Y

No, it is far more efficient to adapt to changing conditions, regardless of cause. Additionally, there are benefits to global warming including food production, reduced mortality due to cold weather, etc.

 @2JHGFJPdari New York dijawab…4thn4Y

More unilateral action by our govt. while countries like China build things like huge canals through the rainforests and use the proceeds for a historic record peacetime military buildup is stupid.

 @2JHBJMVdari Maine dijawab…4thn4Y

Depends on the motivation behind those regulations and the science backing them. Track record so far is to find ways to increase tax with little or no environmental outcome - so NO, not without very good reason.

 @2JH6QQZdari Alaska dijawab…4thn4Y

Some regulation is needed but we also need to ensure we don't make it so complicated that businesses cannot compete in the US. or make it a requirement that goods shipped to the Us have to have the same standards as they would here. This will ensure more jobs stay here

 @2JH38WYdari Arizona dijawab…4thn4Y

 @2JGLR2Ydari Arizona dijawab…4thn4Y

Government should increase environmental regulations when bad actors are harming the environment. Same type of question back to you: Should government increase financial regulations to prevent global financial problems?

 @2JG9DD3Libertariandari Texas dijawab…4thn4Y

No, the government should increase environmental regulations to prevent the destruction of our environment. Do not politicize protecting the environment by tying regulations to global warming.

 @2JG6MBRdari North Carolina dijawab…4thn4Y

Truthful studies are needed and only then should regulations be implemented, but not just based on theory, and proof has not been confirmed in the last 50 years, they should go back 200 years to determine if the earth is heating up or just a 100 year cycle.

 @2JFRCZ6dari Texas dijawab…4thn4Y

 @2JDXSJTdari Florida dijawab…4thn4Y

If it can be proven that global warming exists, and is caused by the emission of greenhouse gasses, the biggest cause of global warming must be the government. Early automobiles were a novelty, only afforded by the wealthiest Americans. It was not until our government poured trillions into building new and improving existing roads did the auto industry flourish. Then, with the government creating housing projects and government subsidized housing, criminals found it affordable to live in our nation's wealthiest zip codes, which caused a fleeing to the suburbs to avoid the government caus…  Baca lebih lanjut

 @2JDLZ9Kdari Georgia dijawab…4thn4Y

Global warming is more natural than the ideologues would have you believe. I am for alternate energy but not before it is an economically viable solution. I do not approve of the govt forcing policies and technology before they are efficient and affordable. Pushing policies before affordable efficient alternatives exist push more people into poverty and dependence on the govt

 @2JDG89PRepublikandari New York dijawab…4thn4Y

Yes, the government should always be looking to increase environmental regulations not because of Global Warming but because it is the best thing for the earth, but in balance with economics, technologies and incentives for American companies to grow. And truly for the environment and not to win votes or make friends wealthy.

 @2JDB5GXdari Oregon dijawab…4thn4Y

Yes. Especially become aggressive in activism pertaining to regulations for the countries that are the greatest threats to our environment.

 @2JD6LJ8dari Missouri dijawab…4thn4Y

Halt production of chemicals, GMO's, insist of a zero discharge technology as an interim to a space-based manufacturing technology. Obviously the surface of the earth is not suitable to the evolution of an industrial technology. Best savings are from conservation first then develop decentralized energy production, mostly solar. Stop all coal, nukes, etc. Clean up the mess!