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Bagaimanakah kecenderungan bawah sedar boleh memberi kesan kepada keputusan mengenai gaji, dan apakah yang boleh kita lakukan sebagai masyarakat untuk mengatasi berat sebelah ini?


Jika majikan memberikan gaji yang berbeza untuk pekerjaan yang sama, bagaimanakah ia mempengaruhi semangat dan produktiviti pekerja?


Dari segi peluang kerjaya dan pertumbuhan, bagaimanakah gaji yang sama boleh mempengaruhi pilihan kerjaya anda?


Adakah anda percaya bahawa jurang gaji jantina adalah hasil daripada norma masyarakat, dan bagaimana kita boleh mengubahnya?


Apakah nilai yang kita letakkan pada kerja yang dilakukan secara tradisional oleh wanita berbanding dengan kerja yang dilakukan secara tradisional oleh lelaki, dan adakah ia dicerminkan dalam gaji?


Bagaimanakah pandangan anda tentang kesaksamaan membayar jantina boleh berubah jika ahli keluarga yang dibayar kurang?


Jika anda mendapati rakan sekerja yang berlainan jantina dibayar lebih sedikit untuk kerja yang sama, apakah yang akan anda lakukan?


Bolehkah anda memikirkan apa-apa sebab mengapa dua orang yang melakukan kerja yang sama harus dibayar secara berbeza?


Pada pendapat anda, apakah kesan gaji yang sama untuk kedua-dua jantina terhadap masyarakat dan dinamik keluarga?


Apakah perasaan anda jika anda mendapati seseorang yang mempunyai peranan yang sama pada pekerjaan sambilan anda memperoleh pendapatan lebih hanya berdasarkan jantina mereka?

 @394544HLibertariandari Florida dijawab…4thn4Y

Each person is already paid the same work for the same job; wage gap statistics are for the entirety of the workforce and are misleading.

 @3942298dari Hawaii dijawab…4thn4Y

Men and women should be payed equally, because everyone now days are hard working people trying to get somewhere. Everyone should be payed equally if they're doing the same exact things within that job they're doing. It isn't fair if your doing the same exact thing as someone and their getting payed more.

 @393YQ2Kdari Minnesota dijawab…4thn4Y

Men and women should be given equal opportunity to apply for the same roles, but pay should be commensurate with ability to execute on the job and results driven

 @393V4N9dari Washington dijawab…4thn4Y

 @393T9Z9dari Florida dijawab…4thn4Y

The salary amount should depend on how hard the man and woman work, even if they're performing the same job.

 @393SYH4dari New York dijawab…4thn4Y

It depends. I know men and women that do the same work. But some men are more productive than women and some women are more productive then men.

 @2Q3KB2Vdari Nevada dijawab…4thn4Y

The Wage gap is a myth, and a law that does this is already on the books. If companies really were paying women 23% less they would hire all women and no men.

 @2Q3GQLWdari Michigan dijawab…4thn4Y

 @2Q38PC4dari Pennsylvania dijawab…4thn4Y

No, it's up to people to secure their earnings. Besides, depending on how you measure the statistics this is either a real issue or not one at all.

 @2Q386FPdari Mississippi dijawab…4thn4Y

They are already paid the same. The study showing that women make 75 cents for every dollar a man makes was based on incomplete data.

 @2Q2ZQ6Ydari Kansas dijawab…4thn4Y

Things are worth what they are bought and sold for. If a male worker negotiates a lower wage than his female counterpart, he is worth less than her. Vice versa. You are only worth what you negotiate for.

 @2Q2YPMPdari California dijawab…4thn4Y

Salaries should reflect other factors than job performance, Education background, experience at the job, and years with the company. Women take 15 years off over their careers to have children. That is a lot of experience they loose. Women who don't do just as well financially as men.

 @2Q2RXH7dari Arizona dijawab…4thn4Y

Employers should pay men and women what they think they're worth. And that is between the employer and the employee.

 @2Q2Q2W7dari Arizona dijawab…4thn4Y

Yes, provided they truly put in the same hours and are equally reliable workers. Many women have primary childcare responsibilities, and have to dash off if a child is sick or has a problem, making them less reliable. Sad, but reality. Many women are not performing the way men do in the workplace.

 @2Q2D6MBdari West Virginia dijawab…4thn4Y

No. Women who devote their lives to their career as many men do deserve equal pay, but the fact remains that many women are less productive over their lifetime due to maternity leave and child-related obligations that few men deal with.

 @2Q25XMWdari Utah dijawab…4thn4Y

Yes. There should not be a glass ceiling for women. Pay should only be based on job performance, experience, and work ethic. It doesn't matter if they are a man, or a woman. Every person should be scrutinized under the same microscope.

 @2Q2547Pdari Texas dijawab…4thn4Y

 @2Q224BGdari New York dijawab…4thn4Y

Yes, however this already exists. The wage gap is entirely based on poor understanding of statistics and wishful thinking to create a victim narrative.

 @2PZQDWDdari Minnesota dijawab…4thn4Y

Depend on level of productivity. If the male does more/better work in a given amount of time he should make more. If the the woman does more/better work in the given time then she should make more

 @2PYXSNYdari Florida dijawab…4thn4Y

Yes. All companies should have a publicized pay scale- based on education, experience, and other credentials- that applies equally to all employees.

 @2PQR44Mdari Ohio dijawab…4thn4Y

The pay gap is a myth because of the variables, and we should be far more concerned with the inequity between the working poor vs the rest of the working world

 @2PQN29Xdari Northern Mariana Islands dijawab…4thn4Y

No, because then women become unhireable. Since there is always the possibility of a female employee taking maternity leave, that already makes them less desirable; forcing employers to pay both genders the exact same would eliminate any reason to hire a woman over a similarly qualified man.

 @2PQM4FQdari New York dijawab…4thn4Y

Pay them men and woman equally based on their ability, education, drive, work ethic, passion, devotion, ect. Not based on their gender.
1. an under qualified man makes the same amount as an over qualified woman for the same job. No. Thank you
2. An educated woman with experience, passion, and drive gets paid more than a man with experience but little of anything shown by the woman. Makes sense to me.

 @2PQL2W7dari Michigan dijawab…4thn4Y

No because some people do have more education, but make it to where the ones with more education, experience, and tenure are getting paid more than the ones that aren't. If a man and a woman with the same amount of education and experience both get a job at the same time, they should get paid the same amount of money.

 @2PQFYGTdari Kansas dijawab…4thn4Y

Salaries are not fair. The people who do labor jobs and live in the highest risk make the least amount of money. Gender is at best a secondary issue.

 @2PP3NZ4 dari New York dijawab…4thn4Y

Businesses should be required to offer all candidates for the same job the same starting salary, and offer raises according to quality of the work performed. Businesses should be required to have salary information reviewed periodically by the IRS to account for possible gender discrimination.