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W jaki sposób legalizacja marihuany może zmienić sposób, w jaki jest ona postrzegana i używana wśród Twoich rówieśników?


Gdybyś mógł głosować za legalizacją marihuany, jakie kwestie wziąłbyś pod uwagę przed podjęciem decyzji?


Czy sądzisz, że legalizacja marihuany mogłaby zmienić jej znaczenie kulturowe lub podejście społeczne do jej używania?


Jakie są według Ciebie etyczne konsekwencje osadzania osób w więzieniach za przestępstwa związane z marihuaną?


Jeśli marihuana zostałaby zalegalizowana, jakie obawy miałabyś, jeśli w ogóle, w związku z bezpieczeństwem publicznym?


Jak wizerunek marihuany w mediach i filmie wpływa na Twoje poglądy na temat jej legalizacji?


Gdyby marihuana była legalna, czy sądzisz, że miałoby to wpływ na Twoje przyszłe wybory zawodowe lub możliwości?


Jak myślisz, jaki wpływ legalizacja marihuany może mieć na presję rówieśniczą w szkołach średnich?


Czy możesz podzielić się osobistym doświadczeniem, w którym różne przepisy dotyczące marihuany mogły mieć wpływ na Ciebie lub osobę, którą znasz?


Jak byś się czuł, gdyby członek rodziny zdecydował się używać marihuany w celach leczniczych?

 @NNXSF4 z Virginia odebrano…4 lata4Y

Leave it to individual states, make Federal Law subserviant to State law in this area, except for providing reasonable protections of extreme penalties & prosecution of transient outof state residents inadvertantly violating the states laws.

 @NNRKYX z Arizona odebrano…4 lata4Y

Why would anyone in their right mind want to legalize anything that causes anxiety, addiction, memory loss, panic attacks, mood disorders, psychosis, schizophrenia and many other mental disorders ????

 @NN4TF5 z Florida odebrano…4 lata4Y

"Medical" marijuana needs to be prescribed by a legitimate doctor and dispensed by a legitimate pharmacy just like prescription drugs. Second hand smoke from this is hallucinegetic for any who breath it even if your neighbor smokes it. So it should be regulated more so than cigarettes.

 @NMNMS5 z Virginia odebrano…4 lata4Y

No. Drug abusers who want to stop their addiction should be offered treatment. I certainly don't see businesses allowing employees who are high to work for them. Marijuana doesn't make anyone a better worker, student, parent does it?

 @NMHD68 z California odebrano…4 lata4Y

Nothing in between completely legalizing and freeing those from prior conviction and throwing their tails in jail? Somewhere in between the extremes is decriminalizing MJ for recreational use along with "Real", and get "Real" with your reasons, medical purposes. What I am against is legalizing MJ for just getting high and then hitting the "Un-stoned" population for money for rehab and/or support because you are too eff'd up.

 @NKKTLP z Indiana odebrano…4 lata4Y

No, and make any detectable level in blood or urine be considered proof of possession and to be made public. However, limit the sanction to loss of driving privileges and loss of DOT or HHS jobs and loss of other jobs at their employer's discretion. Block all welfare, unemployment compensation and food stamps to anyway on marijuana. The public should not have to worry about their lives being at risk at work or on the highway, and the taxpayer should never have to pay for a dope addict.

 @NDRPYY z Oklahoma odebrano…4 lata4Y

Yes. Legalize, tax, and regulate marijuana instead of criminalizing it but do not allow imports. It is impossible in ensure the quality and safety of the plants unless growing them is a carefully regulated industry.

 @NCSR7K z Louisiana odebrano…4 lata4Y

Yes, and immediately free all citizens jailed for drug offenses while legalizing, taxing, and regulating marijuana instead of criminalizing it.

 @N2JVCY z Arizona odebrano…4 lata4Y

Yes. Legalize, tax, and regulate marijuana instead of criminalizing it. Free all citizens jailed for drug offenses to further halt any costs of inmate food, water, etc.

 @N2HBWX z New York odebrano…4 lata4Y

 @LZS7GR z Louisiana odebrano…4 lata4Y

Decriminalize the possession of marijuana, but keep the sale of marijuana a criminal offence. Also, free those in jail on marijuana possession charges and require that all marijuana users undergo a series of court mandated detox programs instead of going to jail. Jail the sellers though.

 @LW5ZQ3 z Illinois odebrano…4 lata4Y

Yes, primarily for medicinal purposes. However, they should follow the same guidelines as cigarettes (no smoking in public places) and alcohol (can't be under the influence at work or when operating a vehicle or machinery).

 @LSC2DN z Texas odebrano…4 lata4Y

Legalize, tax and regulate at the federal level, AND release all drug offenders, hard drug offenders into treatment programs, marijuana offenders simply released with all record of a conviction wiped off their record.

 @LS8N9M z California odebrano…4 lata4Y

Yes, and immediately pardon and free all citizens jailed for use of marijuana, not the dealing of. It should be made illegal to operate heavy machinery and drive while under the influence of marajuana.

 @LQDB44 z Florida odebrano…4 lata4Y

Yes, Legalize, tax, regulate marijuana instead of criminalising it, and immediately free all citizens jailed for drug offenses

 @LJG6MT z Kansas odebrano…4 lata4Y

 @LGWBC9 z Kansas odebrano…4 lata4Y

Yes. Legalize, tax and regulate marijuana instead of criminalizing it. Prohibition of alcohol was a disaster and caused crime to surge - the same has happened with marijuana.

 @GH7B24 z Alabama odebrano…4 lata4Y


 @G3WTN3 z Louisiana odebrano…4 lata4Y


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