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“Only when these pensions are absolutely astronomical against all common sense, no one is worth these outrages pensions that some CEO and upper managements receive. Do away with their "golden parachutes" especially for companies that are losing money. They made the decisions, do not reward them for their mistakes. And all congresspersons,senators,and above should be under the same Social Security programs that the American people have to try and survive under, that way if there are problems, it effects them too and they will work hard to correct those problems. They should have no special arrangements, especially when they vote for there own raises and such, ridiculous. That is putting the fox in charge of the the hen house. Where is the common sense? They cover their own asses and to hell with the rest.”

From a Democrat in Potwin, KS
In reponse to: Should pension plans for federal, state, and local government workers be transitioned into privately managed accounts?

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