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“Just as we have "Freedom of Religion" we have freedom FROM religion. The use of "In God we Trust" on the currency did not come into play until the 1950's, so it was NOT part of the original founding of our nation. We do not have a state established religion- REGARDLESS of what the religions "right" say, no where in our Constitution does it say we are a religious state and they refused to establish that when we were founded, so while anyone is free to practice what they want they should NOT for it on others, and as politicians, they are elected to represent ALL people, that is ALL faiths, instead of using their religion to pass laws to persecute others. But to remove it from already built an established buildings would be the defacing them IMO, leave them where they are, just don't expect us to follow them.”

From a Democrat in Duluth, GA
In reponse to: Should the government support a separation of church and state by removing references to God on money, federal buildings, and national monuments?

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