Yes, but only indoors or crowded areas
No, the government should recommend it but not require it
Yes, except for certain medical conditions
No, we should let the virus naturally run its course

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 @8LHG3WR from Massachusetts answered…4yrs4Y

 @8GX2BJ7 from Texas answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, except for certain medical conditions and person with said medical condition needs to have proof on them of medical condition. Like a card(ID) from doctor.

 @8PKYF8R from West Virginia answered…3yrs3Y

No, I look at is as wearing a condom. You run the risk of catching a STD everytime you don’t wear a condom. Same thing as with wearing a mask do you think that wearing a condom should be mandated to prevent STDs? It’s a choice I think everyone should have to wear one or not wear one. Also in certain circumstances like in a hospital or retirement home it should be mandatory.

 @8MXK7S5 from Pennsylvania answered…3yrs3Y

 @8LGVTFQfrom Florida answered…4yrs4Y

 @8MMYT9N from North Carolina answered…3yrs3Y

Masks don't do jack squat! It's a set up from the US government that's lying to the public and setting up for the NWO as a source of control! They're blocking our Bill of Rights which is meant to protect the US citizens from governmental officials. Last time I remember, it was "We, the people" not "We, the government"

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