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 @93HXFM9Republicanoda Virgin Islands respondidas…2 anos2Y

Sim, mas apenas famílias de cristãos sírios, que são minoria religiosa e estão sofrendo mais no contexto social atual daquele país

 @8W8W6SLDemocratada Virgin Islands respondidas…3 anos3Y

 @8LLK4YGda Virgin Islands respondidas…4 anos4Y

 @8LKSZMZda Virgin Islands respondidas…4 anos4Y

Sim, porém somente famílias cristãs e excluir qualquer possibilidade de homens solteiros cristãos ou não de entrar no país.

 @8PBX6P8respondidas…4 anos4Y

Preciso de uma analise muito complexa para tecer uma opinião. Num primeiro impacto acho que devemos ser Humanos e ter humanidade para com o próximo e aceitar, contudo quando começamos a racionalizar a questão colocada tornasse uma espiral sem fim de prós e contras.

 @3839GX2da Pennsylvania respondidas…4 anos4Y

No! We need to take care of the issues within our own country before worrying about others. Take care of starving children and veterans first!

 @3836FBHda Florida respondidas…4 anos4Y

I feel sorry for the refugees and what they are going through. However, how do we pay for their existence? We have so many people here already and the U,S. is going down the tubes financially.

 @3835Y4Qda California respondidas…4 anos4Y

 @3834J9Zda Oregon respondidas…4 anos4Y

Yes, but for a short term (6 months). Give them a safe haven and attend to critical medical issues. If they want to pursue becoming an American citizen than let them start that process. Otherwise ship them home. Long term aid will be too costly for us.

 @3833R7N da Utah respondidas…4 anos4Y

I think that we should actually let the refugees through. They need the help. But we can't just accept said number of refugees without an actual plan. I think that we should train the Syrians in specific fields, and then integrate them into US Societies, so that they help our economic output, then they are not just being a drain on resources, but actually boosting the economy, and they have a stable source of income, and don't live in poverty

 @3833JSPda North Carolina respondidas…4 anos4Y

We aid them with what we can, but we do not need to place our country in danger. What we need to do is send the military or other aid in to help the people they are at. The military is meant to protect us, let us utilize them.

 @3832WN4da Texas respondidas…4 anos4Y

Women and children or those who are Christian and not a threat to the USA should be welcome. And only if they are spread out over the USA and not sent to one state. And it would be helpful if the churches or individuals would sponsor them while they are integrating into the USA.

 @382Y32Vda Arkansas respondidas…4 anos4Y

 @382VF3Kda Maine respondidas…4 anos4Y

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses, yearning to breath free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

 @382TXXBda California respondidas…4 anos4Y