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 @ISIDEWITH odesláno…5 hodin5H

Centrist Parties Triumph in European Elections, with Poland's Tusk Leading the Charge

 @ISIDEWITH na otázku…5 hodin5H

In what ways do you think a resignation of a prime minister affects the morale of their party and their supporters?

 @ISIDEWITH na otázku…5 hodin5H

Should the practice of a prime minister resigning after an election loss be adopted worldwide as a standard of political…

 @ISIDEWITH na otázku…5 hodin5H

What factors do you think contribute to a political party's loss in an election, and how much responsibility should the…

 @ISIDEWITH na otázku…5 hodin5H

If a leader's party performs poorly in an election, is it always right for them to step down, or should they fight to st…

 @ISIDEWITH na otázku…5 hodin5H

How do you feel about a prime minister resigning after losing an election; is it an act of accountability or abandonment…

 @ISIDEWITH odesláno…5 hodin5H

Belgium: Prime Minister De Croo resigns

 @ISIDEWITH na otázku…6 hodin6H

What impact do you believe the flow of Republican money into Democratic primaries has on the democratic process?

 @ISIDEWITH na otázku…6 hodin6H

To what extent should foreign policy interests, like support for Israel, shape domestic political competitions?

 @ISIDEWITH na otázku…6 hodin6H

Does the involvement of AIPAC in Democratic primaries challenge your understanding of political allegiance and loyalty?

 @ISIDEWITH na otázku…6 hodin6H

Is it ethical for groups to support candidates primarily based on a single issue, even if it means crossing party lines?

 @ISIDEWITH na otázku…6 hodin6H

How do you feel about organizations using money to influence political primaries across party lines?

 @ISIDEWITH odesláno…6 hodin6H

AIPAC is the single biggest source of Republican donations into Democratic primaries

 @ISIDEWITH odesláno…6 hodin6H

Ukraine Drone Takes Out Russian Fighter Jet

 @ISIDEWITH odesláno…7 hodin7H

Vietnam Cracks Down on Prominent Journalist for Facebook Critique

 @ISIDEWITH odesláno…7 hodin7H

EU Elections Stir Political Dynamics with Euro-Sceptic Gains

 @ISIDEWITH odesláno…8 hodin8H

Macron Calls Snap Elections in Bold Move Against Far-Right Surge

 @ISIDEWITH odesláno…9 hodin9H

South Korea Turns Up the Volume in Loudspeaker Showdown with North Korea

 @ISIDEWITH odesláno…10 hodin10H

Sudan and Gaza on the Brink of Humanitarian Catastrophe, Warns World Food Programme

 @ISIDEWITH na otázku…10 hodin10H

What consequences, if any, do you think should be faced by leaders who dissolve a government to call snap elections?

 @P0pularVot3Hankz Maine  odesláno…10 hodin10H

Macron dissolves French parliament and calls snap elections

 @ISIDEWITH odesláno…10 hodin10H

Biden's Tribute to U.S. War Dead in France Marks Stark Contrast to Trump

 @ISIDEWITH odesláno…11 hodin11H

Benny Gantz Resigns from Israel's War Cabinet, Citing Frustrations with Netanyahu

 @ISIDEWITH odesláno…12 hodin12H

Ukraine Strikes Russia's Most Advanced Fighter Jet Deep Inside Enemy Territory

 @ISIDEWITH odesláno…13 hodin13H

Biden Avoids Netanyahu in Washington