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195 Replies


In what ways do you think a more egalitarian society would impact mental health and happiness?

 @9J7DNWP from Illinois answered…5mos5MO

We would turn into communist Russia and China. Honestly, if you can't be happy with the amazing world of America then there is something wrong.

 @9J7DKZN from Illinois answered…5mos5MO

i dot know what this even means and honestly i don't want anything to do with politics

 @9J7F2ZZRepublican from Florida answered…5mos5MO

A more egalitarian society would decrease the mental health and happiness of people because there is a wide range of possiblities and not everyone should be treated, at least in the sense of crime and violance.

 @9J7DFP7 from New York answered…5mos5MO

People may be a little more depressed since everyone is equal and the same but with ways to have fun so maybe a 50/50 split.


How would education change in a society that aims for equal opportunities for all its members?

 @9HN7QVWDemocrat from Washington answered…6mos6MO

It would create a more competitive environment, which is both good and bad.

 @9HN83ND from Pennsylvania answered…6mos6MO

it would be good for a while but I think trying to maintain that or researching new ways to improve this process would be difficult.

 @A.-Rhys from Utah answered…6mos6MO

I think the approach to teaching many things would change, but would likely change the most in regards to the content of history. It would likely utilize a more global approach to history education. It would also hopefully have a fact based approach to history that eliminates biases, while also portraying national/cultural values in ways that may be affected by popular vote, and only referencing differing values in objective (but not necessarily neutral) ways.
We would likely see a major expansion and destigmatization of teaching in ways that accommodate the support needs of disabled/ill stud…  Read more

 @9HN84CM from Oregon answered…6mos6MO


What fears or concerns might you have about living in a world where your contributions are rewarded equally, regardless of the job?

 @9JQMYFH from Washington answered…4mos4MO

The execution of social equality is a idea that may seem beautiful to believe in. All individuals are treated as equals and act as thus. But the implementation of any true lack of social division would cause an infinite number of social issues to arise.

 @9JQKDC5 from Utah answered…4mos4MO

Fears: Everyones the same and no ones different
Pros: Everyone gets treated equal and no one is superior

 @9JQK598 from Texas answered…4mos4MO

I do not agree, people’s hard work should be rewarded and match what they had done

 @9JQKQSP from Texas answered…4mos4MO

I feel as if it is a wonderful and peaceful idea but in reality it is cute and fictional as the people who push for it are bought and payed for so they seem untrue to it.


What role do you think artists and creative individuals would play in a society that doesn't compensate based on popularity?

 @9JPPDJWDemocrat from Illinois answered…4mos4MO

They will be the teachers of our children, the strategists of our corporations, and the dreamers of our nation. They would lead the highest and lowest of society toward a better future.

 @9JPTQVK from Delaware disagreed…4mos4MO

If our country becomes solely artists and creative folks, there will be no one to market the products the creative ones make.

 @9JPPTC2 from Georgia agreed…4mos4MO

I think artist and creative types have a mental ability to keep an open mind and inspire others to express themself.

 @9JPP4W4 from New York answered…4mos4MO

I think that artists and creative individuals, solely play a role in public entertainment.

 @9JPP4BWfrom Arizona answered…4mos4MO

I believe in a socialist community we wpuld all loose our individualism

 @9JPP4NS from California answered…4mos4MO

Artists and creative individuals would play the role of our builders. Designing our building structures that surround us.


How would it change your day-to-day life if making money was no longer a concern?

 @9HTSWK2 from Washington answered…5mos5MO

Everyone would be greatly impacted if making money was no longer a concern, stress levels would decrease, no work, more free time.

 @9HTS6M5American Solidarity from New York answered…5mos5MO

 @9HTRYQW from Minnesota answered…5mos5MO


Do you think human nature can allow for a society without competition or personal ambition?

 @9HCWPB7Democrat from Texas answered…6mos6MO

It is human nature to seek competition and strive for one’s personal ambition. That does not mean, however, that humans cannot create a better, more equitable society. There are times where competition is necessary and others when grace is. The key is to know the difference.

 @9H9CZNR from Colorado commented…6mos6MO

No, and even if everyone was at the same level, at a government tal level corruption is still very likely. Rather would prefer a system with some benefits but wiggle room


Imagine a world without billionaires or homeless people; what emotions does that stir in you?

 @9HTLD9W  from Ohio answered…5mos5MO

I think people have the right to an ethically earned fortune, but no one should suffer at the hands of a system.

 @9HTKL67 from Connecticut answered…5mos5MO

It sounds amazing, a world without problem, a world that is equal and kind to all. I would love to live in that type of world.


How do you think societal values would shift if everyone started life with the same opportunities?

 @9HXZ7CXDemocrat from New York answered…5mos5MO

It would be a very important change for the world because all people would have the same rights as everyone else regardless of sex, region, color, sexual orientation, economy, among other things.

 @9HXZ5LY from Texas answered…5mos5MO

The class system would be nonexistent and discrimination based on upbringing gone


How would you feel living in a society where everyone has exactly the same wealth?

 @9HPW3RY  from Texas answered…6mos6MO

I would like to live in a society where everyone is given what they need to survive, but if they want to thrive they have to do some work themselves.

 @9HPXP2Z from Missouri answered…6mos6MO

i disagree with socialism providing anything more than what is required to succeed on your own


What impact do you believe a guaranteed basic standard of living would have on your ambitions?

 @9JB2FCB from Texas answered…5mos5MO

Horrible idea
Everyone would strive for the minimal goal. It wouldn’t matter

 @9JB2939Peace and Freedom from New Hampshire answered…5mos5MO


If creativity didn't earn you extra money or fame, would you still pursue your passions?

 @9HZHHL6Democrat from California answered…5mos5MO

I would still pursue my passion or something similar to my passion. I want to do something that I enjoy.

 @9HZGSBWNatural Law from Washington answered…5mos5MO

Of course. We are all created to be a certain way. Not one person is the same!


What kind of hobbies might become popular if work was no longer tied to making a living?

 @9HXZB54 from Arizona answered…5mos5MO


How might your relationships change if there was no economic pressure to succeed or provide?

 @9JSQKVHWorking Family from South Carolina answered…4mos4MO

It would be a great life. I can focus on my kids and thrive in my natural environment


How do you personally define success if not by wealth or career achievement?


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