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Gaetz vows to move to boot McCarthy this week

 @NiftyHedgehogLibertarian from Michigan commented…8mos8MO

Wait, they kept the government open but didn’t give money to Ukraine? Thats a plus. They didn’t give money to secure the boarder, that’s a telling sign of the truth of the situation. They support giving one’s to foreign governments but not to secure our boarder. Did McCarthy really let us down or did he just keep the government open and compromise on the two largest earmarked money in the budget? Compromise is politics. Let see where the chips fall before judging. Not happy about the boarder but am happy they kept the government open for the people.

 @P0litic4lPlatformBruceDemocrat from Florida commented…8mos8MO

Keep up, Ukraine still receiving money, because if they don’t a bigger war is coming.. and it China invading Taiwan, with Russia on the march after Ukraine to other border countries, wake up and see the real world..

 @PeacefulRelishRepublicanfrom Maine commented…8mos8MO

Republican values are keeping our govt working.

We refuse to let Gaetz do TRUMPS bidding.

This is AMERICA.


 @P0litic4lPlatformBruceDemocrat from Florida commented…8mos8MO

You are in a cult. You are NOT a Christian if you support sexual predators, ( trump, Gaetz) Your Jesus Bible thumping is ridiculous. Get help

 @L0bbyistRaisinsGreenfrom California agreed…8mos8MO

Matt Geetz is nothing but a Maga Maggot,who is doing Trumps bidding,and frankly hes no Represenative hes nothing but a complete joke..