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38 Replies

 @9G3RVX3  from Utah agreed…8mos8MO

Yes, I agree. If someone murders a pregnant woman, they will be charged with two counts of murder, on for the mother and one for the child. Why should this be viewed any differently when it comes to abortion? The life inside the woman is independent and must be protected. People cannot run from the outcome of unprotected sex by murdering an innocent being. Responsibilities must be met and standards must be returned to the American people.

 @9FYVQWRLibertarian from Idaho agreed…8mos8MO

I agree. sex is more than pleasure. its a serious decision to create a child, and if you aren't ready for that, and you still sleep with someone, you shouldn't get a get-out-of-jail-free card for something as serious as this.

 @9FYYGN8 from Florida agreed…8mos8MO

It is wrong to kill the baby inside of a woman. It is alive, and it is a human. I do not know whether or not it is conscious, but that is irrelevant. Consciousness does not define the value of human life.

 @9G59BQK from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Though I agree it is not right to kill a child, it is still the woman who is having the baby of their choice. It's their body so it's up to them whether they'll keep it or not.

 @9G4YJ29 from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

The fetus does not have a conscious. It cannot make decisions or do anything. The mother knows what's right for her body and if she's unable to handle the pregnancy she has a right to get rid of it.

 @9G4X37C from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

Abortion should still be an option since the pregnancy could be a result of rape, incest, or assualt.

 @9G4HT72Democrat from California disagreed…8mos8MO

the birth of the child may not be voluntary and its not fair to the woman that they must live with a child that they didnt want to have

 @9G47PT5  from Arizona disagreed…8mos8MO

What is insides a woman's body is no one else's opinion. A Lot of people on Pro-Life are men they don't understand what it's like to be a woman period. They have never been scared to walk alone at night in fear of being raped or followed, they don't get grouped on the subway, and they don't get called a *** or a ***** for giving into pleasure. What a women decides to do with her body is her decision and her right and if God has a problem with it then that is between that women and God not us. No Vigina, No Opinion.

 @9G43HRKPeace and Freedomdisagreed…8mos8MO

But it has used the womans resources to grow, it is a very complicated thing but if the women was raped or did not want to kid abortion should be allowed.

 @9G3ZRF6 from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

The cell not even far along enough to be called a fetus, does not have consciousness. The cell is a part of that woman's body and it is her choice on what to do with it.

 @9G3VZNR from California disagreed…8mos8MO

As long as the baby is inside a woman's body, it is her body and her choice. Trying to justify banning abortion by stating it is "conscious" isn't strong enough when it isn't fully developed.

 @9G3SQ52Women’s Equality from Idaho disagreed…8mos8MO

I don't feel like it is wrong to get an abortion. Being pro choice isn't being pro abortion, it is letting people decide what they want and not restricting the right to a womans body.

 @9G3SC36Democrat from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Indefensible animals in slaughter houses are killed all the time, and at a much larger scale than human fetuses. Additionally, babies inside of a mother are similar to parasites in the way that they slowly drain from the mother, so if the mother is in poor health it could potentially be fatal.


The baby has not developed fully. Abortions typically take place during or toward the end of the first trimester. A baby cannot feel anything until the second trimester.

 @9G3NVKX from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

If there was a fire with 1000 viable embryos next to you and a singular toddler on the other side of you. Who do you save first, both sides of you are 'indefensible'?

 @9G3LCFSDemocrat from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

When babies are born, they are indefensible, and the responsibility of taking care of it and making decisions that directly affect their well-being falls on the mother/parent. So it is the responsibility of the mother or parent of the unborn child to decide what is best for them, and in most scenarios, it is safer for the child and the mother to have an abortion because of circumstances that would/do affect their lives (generally negatively).

 @9FYVJD7  from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

It is ironic that that point is lifted when cattle are killed, they are indefensible too right? I think the wellbeing of the mother in this state is the most important. There is a reason why an abortion would be requested, such as; poor living conditions, no money and no financial support. If you were to ban abortions they would happen anyway, it would become a public safety issue.

Some could suggest that the embryo has the right to live, which i understand to a certain point. In some situations, that embryo could remove the mom's right to be a kid.

I can see the ban of abortions being…  Read more

 @9FYVGKGCommunist from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

It is indefensible for the state to attempt to control the bodily autonomy of its citizens. Anti-abortion legislation does not protect a clump of cells, it oppresses the pregnant individual.

 @9FYV9LTWomen’s Equality from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

It may be wrong in your opinion, but early abortions are stopped by a medication and most likely this “indefensible being” does not have a heart beat yet.

 @9FYV4K4Libertarian from California disagreed…8mos8MO

If it's never seen the outside world, isn't even a fetus yet, and the mother might be harmed and isn't prepared to be a mother, she should be able to make her own choice.

 @9G2KT6S from Pennsylvania disagreed…8mos8MO

its not a being, it doesn't know it doesn't have defenses, we are attaching ourselves to an idea of a life not the life itself.


The fetus isnt conscious until it reaches a certain threshold, so when the baby is just a bundle of cell and not fully alive. Also, its wrong to kill an indefensible being? How many spiders or flys have you killed in you house before, do those not count as 'indefensible" too?

 @9G2DD5L from Pennsylvania disagreed…8mos8MO

I feel like abortion shouldnt be anyones business only the womens, I dont know why people are so involved in peoples lifes when they should mind their buisness

 @9G2B4VY from Michigan disagreed…8mos8MO

Yes, however think about the stance of the mother. It is her well being and her body. If that fetus would in any way hurt the mother during pregnancy or not be able to have a good life, than the mother should be able to choose for the best of her and the baby.

 @9FZJQ9SJustice party member from Pennsylvania disagreed…8mos8MO

The republicans should drop trying to end abortions and democrats should stop trying to ban guns, each take life. Neither will be solved with legislation and each should have an increase in regulations. Law abiding, moral citizens should not be restricted for using either guns or abortions but we have to keep guns out of the wrong hands and abortions not to be used as a form of birth control. If someone passes the regulations and standards they should have access to both of these.

 @9FZJP2Y from Missouri disagreed…8mos8MO

It is wrong to kill an indefensible being if that being isn't mad from rape or unwanted sex from the counter-partner, also if that indefensible being doesn't have a home, food, or clothing when it's born it will die before getting the chance to defend itself, also if the mother isn't financially or mentally ready, than the pea to grape sized being doesn't need to exist yes. I'm sure the mother will have no problem deciding when to have a being from her thousands of eggs she has stored.

 @9FZJNSJ  from California disagreed…8mos8MO

One should not be able to decide this for another person, because that being inside of a person makes the decision up to the person it directly affects.

 @9FZFFYD from Alaska disagreed…8mos8MO

It is the womens body that creats that being, a fetus is not conscious untill a certain time. If a women was raped, she has every right to not keep a child, or if the lady is a child herself.

 @9FZ8RX7 from Michigan disagreed…8mos8MO

A fetus at 18 to 25 weeks is the earliest stage at which the lower boundary of sentience could be placed, and that there is little evidence for the central processing of somatosensory information. 9 out of 10 abortions take place before 12 weeks. Therefore what is inside that woman is not conscious, it is not sentient. The government should not have rights to what is growing inside a woman. Her body her choice.

 @9FZ853B from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

**** you, it isn't your body and if they don't want to be forced to carry a damn kid then they shouldn't have to you damned *** hat. Child bearing and birth puts so many problems on the mother that she has to deal with the rest of her life AS WELL as take care of a **** ing kid, if they don't want that then they shouldn't have to deal with it. And what of all the animals we butcher and consume for our own personal gain? They're alive and conscious and most of the time indefensible yet that doesn't stop humans from killing them so what does it matter? Plus the world is already way too heavily overpopulated, we need more people to die than more people to be giving birth.

 @9FZ25DP from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

It is not a living being till it is born, making a person have a child that they don’t want to care for will lead to more issues. Especially when you aren’t willing to fund programs to assist raising the child anyway.

 @9FYZCRV from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Then the parent who would want to abort it would not have a emotional connection to the baby when born. Or would be put into adoption centers or foster care and could experience trauma and assault.

 @9FYXJGX from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

In a situation of rape, the mother will most likely not want to care for that child, due to the trauma associated with them.

 @9FYX9T7Democrat from Massachusetts disagreed…8mos8MO

What is inside a woman may have been forced upon her. Should she choose so, she should have the option to remove what could potentially cause her psychological and physical harm, especially in the case of an unwanted pregnancy.

 @9FYWZ7S  from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

You can’t tell people what to do with their bodies. You say all this and if they do listen, you won’t be there to help the cover the expenses of the child.

 @9FYVP2M from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

You are putting the life of the woman who is alive in this world over the "life" of an oversized sperm that has not even started developing a brain or pain receptors. If a woman want an abortion there are millions of reasons as to why: it many cause her health issues to carry out the pregnancy or give birth, which my ultimately cost her life, she is finally unable to care for the baby, or she does not what to put the baby into an adoption/foster system that is corrupt and abuses children (be it mentally, physically, or sexually). Additionally the argument that if the woman does won&…  Read more

 @9G6CXJV from Connecticut disagreed…8mos8MO

First of all, this is a womans choice, and should not have to be explained or defended to anyone. When a woman is pregnant, there is a fetus, not a baby. The fetus is not a baby, and if a woman doesnt want to carry that fetus thats her decision.

 @9FZH8F3 agreed…8mos8MO

Yes I agree with this comment. If its in your body its living so don't kill it. Many people can't have kids so if you are able to have a kid give it up for adoption and let Gods creation live on.


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