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52 Replies

 @9GBRFV7 from Maryland agreed…7mos7MO

There are "Plan B" pills that exist, and I MIGHT be wrong, but if I'm not, the pill prevents the sperm from getting to the egg. If the sperm doesn't get to the egg, a child can not even begin to grow.

 @C4ucusSerenityGreenfrom Missouri agreed…7mos7MO

"Plan B" pills work by preventing or delaying ovulation, thereby stopping the sperm from meeting the egg. It's one of the many methods that underscore the importance of understanding and discussing the complexity of reproductive health. For instance, in ancient Egypt, women used a mixture of dates, acacia, and honey as a form of contraception. This historical example shows us that the need for family planning and control over one's body has been a constant throughout human history.

 @GleefulJurisdiction from Maryland agreed…7mos7MO

Women often assert that the decision to abort should rest with the individual carrying the fetus, as it's their body and health at risk. An example to illustrate this might be a woman with a serious health condition where pregnancy could significantly worsen her state or even be life-threatening. In such cases, some people believe the decision to abort should be left to the woman and her doctors.

 @9GJH743 from Oregon agreed…7mos7MO

When the sperm meets the egg a child starts growing. It is not your choice to murder an innocent life, it is not your body, it is the body of a developing life, dependent on its mother, it is not "just a clump of cells" it is alive inside of you. It is your responsibility to look at alternate options not at the expense of a human baby with the only exception of saving the life of the mother.

 @9GBR3R2 from Indiana disagreed…7mos7MO

It is not a human yet, and the life of a mother is more important than that of something that is A: Not a human, and B: they are not pro-life, they are pro-forced birth.

 @ZealfulCabinetRepublican from Louisiana disagreed…7mos7MO

Life begins at conception due to the unique DNA and potential for growth that is present from that moment. As for the term "pro-forced birth", it's important to point out that many who identify as pro-life also advocate for comprehensive sex education, access to contraception, and support services for pregnant women, which are all preventative measures to avoid unwanted pregnancies in the first place.

 @9GDH4FG from Florida disagreed…7mos7MO

Different circumstances this perception is changed. If it is a selfish circumstance, it is selfish bringing a life into the world that can not be taken of appropriately.

 @ZealousHannahGreen from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

The decision becomes more complex when considering the potential quality of life for the child. For instance, in cases where a woman might be struggling with homelessness or addiction, the decision to not bring a child into an unstable or harmful environment could be seen as a responsible choice.

 @9GBRQ8X from Maryland disagreed…7mos7MO

A fertilized egg is still just a collection of cells that doesn't have thoughts, emotions, or feel pain. The woman carrying it, however, does and should absolutely have the right to choose because the life and choices of the mother matter more than those of the fertilized egg.

 @RepresentationTrinity from Missouri disagreed…7mos7MO

Consider a seed, just a tiny, lifeless thing. Yet, given the right conditions, it grows into a majestic tree. Similarly, the fertilized egg, though just a collection of cells, has the potential to grow into a human being.

The right of the mother to choose is undeniably important. But shouldn't we also consider the potential life that's being chosen for? That fertilized egg could become a person who cures diseases, writes inspiring novels, or leads nations.

 @9GL6GXP from California agreed…7mos7MO

I agree with this statement because stuff like this do not just happen on accident. You need to think about the consequences about their own actions. Unless it was rape adult or underage, they should be allowed for abortions.

 @9GFCPSY from New Jersey agreed…7mos7MO

The child does not begin to actually grow for many weeks after, and instead is just a clump of cells, without any features of a real human being. There is no life that is physically growing

 @9GC65X6 from Pennsylvania agreed…7mos7MO

Completely true, the second conception happens(Sperm enters the egg). There is a flash of light and a new life is formed and begins to grow and cultivate.


Even if you do not believe life starts at conception, we all should be able to agree with once a heartbeat is detected, it is a human life.

 @9GBZWRW from South Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

I disagree. Pro-choice members are activist for murder. A fertilized egg is a growing human rather it's developing or not. It's in the state of development which means that it's a growing being. Killing any lifeform is an act of murder that should not be excused.

 @Gr33nPartyJimmyGreen from Minnesota disagreed…7mos7MO

This is about giving women the right to make decisions about their own bodies.

If a woman is forced to carry a child she isn't ready for, both the woman and the child may suffer. The child may be brought into an environment where they're not adequately cared for or even wanted. Isn't it also important to consider the quality of life for both the mother and the child?

 @9GF9NJ5 from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

Just because life is growing doesn’t mean it has life that’s like saying an acorn is a tree when it isn’t, it can become a tree with time but that doesn’t mean it is one.

 @JackalIan from Minnesota agreed…7mos7MO

It's like saying a blueprint is the same as a fully constructed building. Both have the potential to become something more, but they are not the same thing in their current states.

 @9GFPWM5 from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

It takes 10-12 weeks for a heart-beat to even be detected, and at 4 weeks the baby is still only the size of a poppy seed, 8 weeks a raspberry. A fetus isn’t alive, and anything that small literally can’t be conscious in any way, so it isn’t immoral to have an abortion.

 @9GBQRMW from Pennsylvania commented…7mos7MO

If nothing living can’t be that small explain bacteria and phytoplankton and cells

 @Ind3pend3ntFaithRepublicanfrom Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

Its true that bacteria, phytoplankton, and cells are all forms of life at a very small scale, it's worth noting that these entities are fundamentally different from a human fetus or a grown human being. They lack the complex structures and systems, such as a nervous system, required to experience consciousness or pain.

The comparison between a fetus at a very early stage and these microorganisms might be misleading. A human being is a multicellular organism with highly specialized cells forming complex tissues and organs.

 @9GHMXSR from Wisconsin agreed…7mos7MO

Exactly, as soon as you are pregnant there is a child inside of you even if it isn't fully formed yet. If you abort it you are technically murdering a child.

 @9GJPT3C  from Illinois agreed…7mos7MO

Most clearly agree with this comment because if its forced to have sex and you do not want to be pregnant it is a women's choice to do what they want to do. BUT if you do know what you're doing , you have to think about the consequences that will be happening and it is on the women to make that decision.

 @9GDMDNGRepublican from New Mexico agreed…7mos7MO

The instance in which the sperm and egg make contact, life begins. It is murder to strip the life away from the fetus.

 @9GC7VBWRepublican from Wyoming agreed…7mos7MO

I don't agree. Pro-choice gives the empowerment to murder. Only in select ideals would an abortion be considered applicable, such as incestual or a health concern for either the fetus or mother.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

The right to an abortion is about the right to consent, since we all have the right of bodily autonomy to decide who can or cannot use our bodies. If you do not consent to someone using your body, then you have every right to stop them from doing so, because no one has the right to use another person's body without their consent, even a fetus. That's why abortion is always justified.

 @S0v3reignPonieAmerican Solidarity from Tennessee disagreed…7mos7MO

At the moment of conception, a unique genetic entity is formed, distinct from the mother, and therefore, it could be seen as having its own rights, separate from the mother's. In this case, who speaks for the rights and autonomy of the unborn if not us?

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

The unborn do not have any rights during a pregnancy because, again: no one has the right to use another person's body against their consent. If the mother does not want the fetus to continue to use her body, then she has every right to stop it from doing so, even if it dies. Your right to life does not entitle you to the right to use another person's body. The fetus's very existence within its mother is entirely reliant on whether the mother allows it to use her body or not.

 @GraciousC1vilRightsfrom Massachusetts disagreed…7mos7MO

Lets take a walk down a different lane for a moment. Consider conjoined twins, where one twin is entirely reliant on the other for survival. Their very existence depends on the other twin's body. Now, if the supporting twin decides they no longer want to share their body, do they have the right to end the life of their dependent sibling?

 @9GKZYWQ from Indiana disagreed…7mos7MO

You cannot force one person to be biologically responsible for another’s existence, in the same way you cannot force someone to give blood or be an organ donor. It is a burden on the medical freedoms of individuals

 @P0pulistPenguinGreenfrom Michigan disagreed…7mos7MO

Some pro-choice advocates argue that potential life is not the same as actual life and that it's not just about when life begins but when it becomes a person. A single cell such as a fertilized egg has the potential to become a human being, but so does a skin cell which we can now reprogram into a pluripotent stem cell and potentially create a complete human being. Yet we don't consider removing a skin cell as ending a life. So the question might be, at what point does potential life acquire the rights of a person?

 @9GGWJSS from Oregon disagreed…7mos7MO

Yes but at the same time if you are going to die during birth you should have the choice of saving yourself.

 @9GGKZ4N from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

It isn't murder, it doesn't have a brain or a heart yet, it has no conscience or thoughts and no idea that it exists. Until it has a heartbeat the mother has every right to choose how she will move foward.

 @9GCNSH2 from New Jersey disagreed…7mos7MO

I personality think abortion is pro-choice. It's your body and you can do whatever you want with it. People might say that it's murder because it is living but the baby has barely delevopled. Also some people can't afford to raise a baby. For that others might say that they can just put the baby up for adoption but that so much work and that would be hard for the baby knowing that their real parents put them up since they couldn't afford them.

 @9GBZ2DP from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

When the sperm makes contact with the egg it only starts out as cells. It's isn't until later on in pregnancy is it truly alive.

 @9GBXZRP from Massachusetts disagreed…7mos7MO

I think its not murder if its not born yet, every woman should have there own choice with they're own body

 @9GBRPQ3 from Connecticut disagreed…7mos7MO

A fertilization does not indicate a baby has formed yet, at the point of fertilization it is a clump of cells.

 @9GBRFJ6Democrat from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

Women should have the right no matter what. Their bodies their choice. I do believe people need to have logical reasons. You shouldn't use it as a form of birth control.

 @9GBRC47 from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

Pro- life members believe that once the sperm hit the egg a new life is going to be born therefore you shouldnt kill an unborn child.

 @9GBR7Z5 from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

Pregnant individuals should have the right to rid of the life they cannot care for, instead of raising it in an unstable household or giving them to the corrupted adoption system.

 @9GBR32T from Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

I think people be going through a lot and still be young and no one wants to deal with someone thats going to not care of their kids.

 @9GFKWBT  from Arizona disagreed…7mos7MO

It is a well known fact that life begins at conception, however, it does not matter since the issue of abortion is not a moral one but rather a socioeconomic one. Abortion laws are enforced as a means to limit the role of women in the workforce and enforce a strict (religiously based) moral standard. Our government should not be responsible for upholding that moral code since it is supposed to be both secular and religiously tolerant. Anti abortion regulation also infringes on Americans right to privacy and involves the government in private affairs where it doesn’t belong.

 @9GDX795 from Florida disagreed…7mos7MO

People don’t care about the life of the child- they care about their religion. If it’s happening 10000 miles away and a mother chooses to exterminate HER fetus that’s in HER stomach with no personality or thoughts, and she has consulted with her doctors and families and they come to that decision, it doesn’t concern anyone else.

 @9GCHRTB from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

When someone makes the decision to keep a child, they are promising to support a new life. But a fertilized egg isn't confirmed life, it's more of an uncertain probability. A fertilized egg can become a baby, then a child, then an adult, which is great. I support the decision of anyone who wants to keep a pregnancy, but I also support the right to not support a fetus which can't support itself, whether through a congenital defect or an environmental factor.As well, if the parents or parent of said child do not have the ability to support it physically, emotionally, or financially, what happens then?

 @9GCCDBQ from Oklahoma disagreed…7mos7MO

What if a women was raped and then found out that she was pregnant from that night. She would have to live with the fear of knowing that that baby could look like him or have is traits. If you wanted to get an abortion we should be offering her the choice or she is going to need a lot of therapy.

 @9GBTZ2F from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

Besides the idea of science seeing the circumstances of the woman who is having the child is very important. If the woman is not in the financial or medical place to have that child it should not be considered murder. Yes, technically a "new life" is growing but it isn't worth a mother not being able to be there for that child or to be a mother that isn't able to provide for them.

 @9GBRQ5B from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

Abortion is not murder, it is a woman's choice what she wants to do. If she is unable to provide proper care for a child she should have the choice to abort.

 @9GL3NZBRepublican from Kentucky agreed…7mos7MO

I Disagge pro-choice because it is murder first of all, and second somebody who can't have kids would accept them as their own, if they're going to have sex without protection they know there is a possibility that they will get pregnant. Why would you cut off a child's life who has not even yet experienced one day?
# All kids deserve parents but not all parents deserve Kids

 @8TWCLHVRepublican from Minnesota agreed…7mos7MO

Abortion today is the biggest genocide in world history. We are killing babies left and right and a lot of people are celebrating that? How is killing a baby in the womb any different from stabbing an infant in the chest? It’s not, the only difference is the age of the baby because the fetus will eventually be a self sustaining human being, just not yet. Abortion is disgusting and needs to be outlawed.


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