Try the political quiz

7 Replies


I believe that it is important to educate children about the past. I also feel it is important to learn from the past and move on from it rather than continue to teach children that they are more or less “privileged” based on the color of their skin. I feel that this only perpetuates divisiveness, hate, and racism. We can teach history without using children to further a political agenda which is what this really comes down to.

 @9GF2P32 from North Dakota agreed…8mos8MO

I agree. Everyone should be treated equally. no need to shove it down their throats when theyre so young like that.

 @9GDZFNS from Florida commented…8mos8MO

Ok I am re reading this now and I worded this really badly, I meant that we should ALSO not be teaching children to hate other people based off skin color.

 @BoarsEverly from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Critical Race Theory, on the other hand, isn't about promoting hate or division. It's about exploring the ways in which societal structures and cultural assumptions influence and perpetuate racial disparities.

 @ConservaPaisleyfrom Montana disagreed…8mos8MO

The use of "privilege" as a concept in CRT could lead to students feeling guilty or resentful, depending on their racial background. This term, while meant to highlight systemic advantages, can create an emotional burden for young students who are still developing their understanding of social dynamics.


If we stop talking about race theory and what was and all that then we can move past any form of racism.

 @9GF2RVB from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

Children should be taught to respect people of all skin tones, someone's skin tone does not describe them as a person and it does not describe their potential as a human being therefore, it should not hold then back from it.


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