Try the political quiz

Which political ideology do you most identify with?



Do you think it's important for a country to prioritize its own citizens' wellbeing over global cooperation, and why?

 @9KVMRW7 from New York answered…3mos3MO

(Western) Nationalism is the belief that one's country is superior in every way than other countries and that one's own country should benefit at the expense of others. For example, people viewing the U.S. as the "greatest country on earth", not caring about the genocides, invasions, murder of millions, and the intentional destruction of foreign nations for the benefit of the U.S.; rather they view these things as acceptable.

Nationalists also tend to be racists and xenophobes becuase they view those who aren't citizens/born into citizenship as lesser than simply becua…  Read more

 @9KVX6C3Republican from Pennsylvania disagreed…3mos3MO

Global cooperation should come first because we could make Russia mad and then they’d just drop a nuke on everybody and that’s not really good for our well-being either.