Try the political quiz

3 Replies

 @9H4Z8DD from Texas answered…7mos7MO

Religious groups have allows been able to make slight adjustment to their believes to allow progression with the times to fit with their religious groups. Thus Christian Democracy can reconcile with progressive social justice.

 @9H4ZSGL from Maryland answered…7mos7MO

No, conservative values cannot reconcile with progressive values. The morally superior values are progressive ones which seek to improve the current status of the world. Religious texts cannot be the basis of governance as they can be interpreted by members of the same faith differently. In addition, it is impossible to logically choose one religious interpretation to follow. There is no logical case for the Torah vs the Bhagavad Gita, the Bible vs the Quran, etc.

 @9H4ZNYHProgressivefrom Maine answered…7mos7MO

no, christianity does not have conservative moral values. Jesus was a social activist. the people who believe are the people who take the bible literally which they should not because it it not the word of God yet Jesus' deciples. the conservative teachings the we should "leave each other alone" is not a Christian belief. Christianity teaches about community.