Try the political quiz

2 Replies


Ban, fine, or weaponize the government against the pornography industry, which knowingly profits off of the human trafficking industry, the kidnapping and rape of women and children, and which does everything in its power to keep it that way. Pornography is a social evil which corrupts the minds of people who consume it, quickly leading to addiction, increasing mental illness, decreasing brain matter, decreasing academic performance, increasing divorce, and increasing sexual disfunction. These studies and articles are evidence for these claims:

Pornography addiction is nearly identical to coc…  Read more

 @9HD9Q6X from Texas answered…6mos6MO

I'd advocate for a law that ensures comprehensive educational resources for underprivileged areas or a rule that mandates inclusivity and diversity education within school curriculums. Such a change could help bridge societal gaps, empower individuals irrespective of their background, and foster a more inclusive and knowledgeable community.