Try the political quiz

10 Replies

 @9HXK3RYWomen’s Equality from Wisconsin answered…5mos5MO

everyone should be allowed their own choice of religion as long as it does not hurt anyone else

 @9HXKLQM from Washington answered…5mos5MO

nations have not successfully balanced national identity, i think there is some more work we can do to make it better and make people feel comfortable to believe in what they believe in. i think there is too much discrimination around for it to be "fully successful", and i understand that not everyone is going to agree on it but there can definitely be less.

 @9HXWNN6 from California disagreed…5mos5MO

People care too much about what others think. The "discrimination" that people see is made up or amplified by their own imagination. If people would get out of their own way, people would be more successful.

 @9HXJX86 from Utah answered…5mos5MO

 @9HXK6PRDemocrat from Indiana answered…5mos5MO

Yes, I think for the most part that the U.S. has done well with separating religion and law. An issue that we have with it would be with abortions and the whole planned parenthood controversy. But, besides that, I think the U.S. doesn't force religion upon others and does a good job of allowing everyone religious freedom.

 @9HXWLWD from Iowa agreed…5mos5MO

We shouldn't separate Church and State, without God every empire will fall. Additionally most cultures die as soon as culture becomes overly sexualized (see ancient greece)

 @9HXQHMP from Texas answered…5mos5MO

Because religion has been tied to power and government since the earliest recorded civilizations, history shows that national identity is historically (even intrinsically) linked to the religion du jour. Therefore, I believe history has proven that no nation has successfully balanced national identity and religious diversity.

 @9HYTZX8 from New Mexico agreed…5mos5MO

History has shown this and even today, there is not a nation with a perfect equal balance of the two especially without conflict involved.

 @9HXPM9Y from Illinois answered…5mos5MO

 @9HXK8GS from North Carolina answered…5mos5MO

No, I think religion still heavily influences many aspects of our government and it has resulted in many wars being started as well as stripping people of their rights.