Try the political quiz

3 Replies

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…5mos5MO

If they never had to pay for it in the first place, however, this issue would be nonexistent. The returns on their "investment" seniors get in this program proves it is a liability, not an asset. This is harming people, not helping them. You have also used the two fallacies – the Slippery Slope fallacy and the Appeal to Emotion, claiming seniors would die on the streets if social security was privatised, which is the reverse of the truth – seniors, and citizens in general, would get actual service that is honest and direct from a PRIVATE source. The main thing that would…  Read more

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

Healthcare isn’t a freaking investment it’s not a business, nor should it have ever been, it’s a means of keeping people healthy into their elderly years. I didn’t say that ALL seniors would be in jeopardy, but far too many would be. Privatizing social security is a lazy and obvious cash grab for the very corporations you so vehemently stand against. Seniors, if they got an unlucky investment, would suffer incredibly in their old age. Corporations don’t increase the quality of their care, they just ramp up costs while stockpiling the drugs they have so then it can have momentary demand, and even then, the process is delayed. Besides, people don’t always make good investment decisions, and when that happens, they suffer. It’s a really crappy idea in general.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…5mos5MO

I know you believe all that, you've already established that. But please prove LOGICAL reasons why? This entire argument felt like one giant Question Begging Fallacy...

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