Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @9KCTBHF from Massachusetts answered…3mos3MO

give us a reason to care because this countr is going to ****

 @8Z7PTXFDemocrat  from California disagreed…3mos3MO

The country is going to **** because you don't participate. Politicians will not listen to someone before they become a regular voter. Only after. If you expect a politician to cater to you BEFORE you get involved, you will be disappointed.

 @9KCVZ75 from Missouri answered…3mos3MO

I believe that people should lift the restrictions of property, but not remove the electoral college all together. That way people are more engaged, but it doesn't have to be a loose process

 @9KCTGQ6Democrat from Wisconsin answered…3mos3MO

One thing I would say is that using the internet to spread information about the candidate. My Gov teacher always told me that Gen Z can see through lies and bull **** most times so being honest with them is the best way to get their attention. Using YouTube, X, and even Instagram has gotten me engaged into staying in touch with politics and knowing what is going on around the world.