Try the political quiz

Which political ideology do you most identify with?



Why do you think some people struggle to understand the concept of 'white privilege' and how would you explain it?

 @42C8TQD answered…3mos3MO

People struggle to understand what they're unwilling to try to understand. Humans are obsessed with making chaos make sense. We label and organize and put everything in buckets to figure out where/how we belong and who is the "other".
'white privilege' is as simple as rules for thee but not for me.

 @9KKMBYS from Texas agreed…3mos3MO

I think most people who complain about someone with white privilege are the same people who are fine without gaining an education and work at minimum wage because they’re lazy. And want us who are considered white privileged to help them afford things when they just need to get off there ***


I think you need to go have some conversations with people that work in health and human services. I mean also you're holding a Google device right now...

I complain about white privilege and I come from a loooooong line of white people. My genetic genealogy tests show all white European ancestors.

I am middle class, college educated, raised in a VERY conservative religious household. So none of the things you listed. Can I prove this to you without revealing my identity? Nope. Which is why you should leave your comfort zone in the echo chamber and talk to more people from different back…  Read more