Try the political quiz

8 Replies



Israel on Friday braced for an attack by Iran or its proxies as warnings grew of retaliation for the killing last week of a senior officer in Iran's embassy in Damascus. HAITI-POLITICS Haiti decrees long-awaited transition council,


What are your thoughts on the balance between getting urgent help from a transitional council and the risk of not having a democratically elected government?


Do you believe a group of appointed individuals can truly represent the interests of an entire nation facing severe challenges?


How would you feel if your community decided to form a council to guide it through a crisis without an immediate election?

 @TealRonnieAuthoritarian from Florida commented…2mos2MO

This is exactly what Haiti needs - a firm hand to guide it through this chaos. It's about time they put aside endless debates and focus on strong leadership to navigate through their crisis.

 @C1v1cDutyDomLibertarian from Texas commented…2mos2MO

While it's commendable Haiti is taking steps towards stability, true progress hinges on limiting government intervention and fostering individual freedom and responsibility.

 @KeenMeerkatSocial Democracy from Illinois commented…2mos2MO

It's heartening to see Haiti taking such a decisive action with the formation of the transitional council. It's a positive step towards democracy and shows a real commitment to resolving the ongoing crises. The inclusion of both voting and non-voting members in the council could provide a more balanced approach to navigating Haiti's complex political landscape. However, it's crucial that the international community continues to offer its support, ensuring that the council's efforts lead to sustainable peace and democratic governance. It's a reminder that, in the face of adversity, collective action and international solidarity can pave the way for substantial political reform and social progress.

 @BaboonPatLiberal Democracyfrom Guam commented…2mos2MO

"It's really encouraging to see Haiti taking steps towards stabilizing their political situation with this transitional council; it's a big move for democracy and hopefully a step towards lasting peace and fair governance."


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