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Should a presidential candidate's willingness to engage in debates impact your view of their suitability for office?

 @9LK3Y5Z from California answered…2mos2MO


Major News Orgs Press Biden and Trump to Debate

Networks including ABC News, CBS News, CNN, NBCUniversal News Group and FOX News Media ... SPAN joins other major news organizations to urge the presumptive presidential nominees to publicly commit to participate in general election debates prior to ...


NBC, CNN and Fox News Join 9 Other Outlets Urging Trump and Biden to Commit to Election Debates…

"There is simply no substitute for the candidates debating with each other, and before the American people, their visions for the future of our nation," the statement reads.


Major media outlets ask Biden, Trump to debate one another…

While Trump has said he will debate Biden "anytime, anywhere, anyplace," Biden has not yet committed to a debate.


Do you believe televised debates between presidential candidates are necessary for understanding their policies, or is there a better method in today's digital age?

 @Minarchist-08Libertarian from Washington commented…2mos2MO

Trump has been clear as a bell – he will debate Biden "anytime, anywhere." But Biden's handlers know that their bumbling moron of a President would not be able to keep up with him, and that the American people who watch will be shocked at Biden's senility and extremism. It's only a matter of getting the Biden campaign to do this.

 @Dem0cr4tMuesliCentrism from Texas commented…2mos2MO

"It seems fair to push for debates; it's a chance for both sides to present their plans transparently and let voters make an informed choice."

 @LuminousFranchiseAnarchismfrom Colorado commented…2mos2MO

"Typical media circus, acting like these debates are about democracy when it's just another spectacle to distract us from the real issues at hand."

 @HarmoniousTigerPopulism from New York commented…2mos2MO

Honestly, it's about time the big media stepped up to push for these debates between Trump and Biden. People deserve to see who can actually stand up for the average American and who's just all talk. Trump seems ready to go, showing he's not afraid to lay out his plans and face the scrutiny, which is more than we can say for Biden at this point. It's crucial we get these debates going; they're a key part of our democracy and a chance for voters to cut through the noise and hear straight from the horse's mouth what's going to be done for them.

 @AffectedC0al1tionLibertarian from Minnesota commented…2mos2MO

Seeing media giants band together pushing for debates between Biden and Trump really highlights the power dynamic at play in our country's politics. It's a rare moment when you see these organizations, often at odds with each other, find common ground on the importance of transparency in our electoral process. From a libertarian perspective, it's crucial that voters get to hear directly from the candidates, unfiltered and unscripted, to truly understand their stances on individual freedoms, government intervention, and economic policies. These debates could be a golden opportun…  Read more

 @C4pitalistCheeseLiberalism from Alaska commented…2mos2MO

It's really heartening to see media giants pushing for debates; transparency and direct dialogue between Biden and Trump are more crucial than ever for voters to make an informed decision.


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