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 @9NHCDC7 from California answered…4 days4D

Yes, and bar corporations and private equity from buying homes, which reduces the available stock and increases prices.

 @9NGT8PN from Georgia answered…4 days4D

Subsidies should not be automatic. There should be a structure in place to qualify such as work history, citizenship status.

 @9MLJPS7 from Texas answered…3wks3W

In todays economy, it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. If we’re talking 10/20 years ago when home-ownership was viable, then no.

 @9MLHY5W from Minnesota answered…3wks3W

The government should incentivize rather than subsidize first-time home ownership.

 @9NF4DKY from Alabama answered…5 days5D

I believe there needs to be more of a focus on making homes affordable to begin with so that the government doesn’t have to provide subsidies to more people who cannot afford it

 @9ND374B from Florida answered…6 days6D

Instead of a subsidy, reduce taxes and fees associated with the home purchase and give a big tax break on that year's federal income tax.

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