
Historical Results

See how support for each position on “Homeless Shelters” has changed over time for 328 America voters.

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Historical Importance

See how importance of “Homeless Shelters” has changed over time for 328 America voters.

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from America users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9NG845Vfrom Guam answered…5 days5D

 @9NFK5PQ from Arizona answered…5 days5D

 @9NCW7BK from Georgia answered…6 days6D

No. From what I have seen in the past 10 years - whatever government does fills the pockets of it's grifters and does little to help the needy. The more we get back our individual freedoms and get government out of our lives - the better!!!!!

  @LucidLibertarian  from Oregon answered…7 days7D

No, but State governments can decide how much funding is provided and under what circumstances.

  @ChaseOliverLibertarian  from South Carolina answered…1wk1W

I sympathize with the need for more shelters and services for the homeless. When government subsidizes these services, incentives shift from providing services that increase the long-term outlook of the homeless population to filling beds to receive more funding.

  @ChaseOliverLibertarian  from South Carolina answered…1wk1W

No, because when shelters are funded by government, however well-meaning, the incentives of shelter administrators shift from providing better services that aid the long-term outlook of the homeless, to filling beds to receive more funding.