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 @9N295MR  from Nevada answered…2wks2W

No, and toll roads should be abolished and we must allow everyone to use those roads for free. it's the only way we can continue to move forward building more roads & bridges with gov't subsidies eliminating traffic for gold especially in New York City.

 @9MM7KVZ from Minnesota answered…3wks3W

  @ConTheStonerLin from Washington answered…4 days4D

As long as it is done in conjunction with the federal reserve subsidizing alternative transportation

 @9NH6986 from West Virginia answered…4 days4D

I don't think a penalty parameter like this is as appropriate as incentivizing traveling in group means or by using public transport. However, I could see the application if it's tied to transportation vehicle emissions

 @9NH4KTR from Massachusetts answered…4 days4D

invest more in high speed rail to limit the number of cars on the road and implement parking control

 @9NH2SPV from New York answered…4 days4D

Heavy traffic should not be near densely populated areas, but cars should also not be charged for using public transportation infrastructure.

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