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 @9NHBF4Q from Arizona answered…5 days5D

No, but they should add size restrictions for cars to prevent them from being too big

 @9NF9B4M from Iowa answered…6 days6D

No, but if your car is really aesthetically disgusting (like cube cars) you should pay an ugliness tax for polluting the public square; the same applies to architecture

 @9MQ8JNS from Indiana answered…2wks2W

 @7YS3KJP  from Arizona answered…1wk1W

No. I love the aesthetic of classic cars, but why is this a question? Seems like a really pointless use of government time and money, and an arbitrary overreach of federal power.

 @9N75V5V from New York answered…1wk1W

No lol. The government shouldn't have any say in artistic expression? This is a funny question.

 @9N56KVQ from New York answered…2wks2W

No but I do think that things like the cybertruck are a distraction on the road. Our understanding of aerodynamics will gradually change vehicle shape, so a law like this would get quickly outdated, but certain designs are just a visual distraction problem on the road.

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