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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from America users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9NCYWRC from Kansas answered…7 days7D

Yes, and the program should be comprehensive, and understanding of the fact relapses will happen, and work with offenders to form better habits and make better informed choices to prevent said relapses.

 @9MMTZV2 from Massachusetts answered…3wks3W

yes but only if they have a good reason not be be incarcerated like if they have a dog or kids and the crime was not that severe (dog qualifies for animal cruelty reasons)

 @9MMBKGM from Washington answered…3wks3W

Yes, but only if it is apparent that the person who they are trying to rehabilitate wants to be rehabilitated.

 @9MMB43J from California answered…3wks3W

 @9MM9JCB from California answered…3wks3W

yes if the crime if the person isn't a mass murderer or pedo/mass sexual assualter

 @9MM7YD7 from Texas answered…3wks3W

I truly think it depends on the case, the person, and the background of what happened.

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