Try the political quiz

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 @9NG5JSRfrom Virgin Islands  agreed…26mins26m

See all communist regimes,they were based in a simple populist narrative of opressor vs opresed reducing all complexity,…

 @9NG5JSRfrom Virgin Islands  disagreed…26mins26m

While we should strive to create a more inclusive society,we should never promote social division and hatred and us vs t…

 @ResolvedEqu4lRights from Texas commented…27mins27m

It's alarming yet unsurprising that Russia is once again trying to meddle in the democratic processes of the EU with dis…

 @9NG5C9F from Montana answered…34mins34m

Don't decrease funding, but begin to increase funding for non-violent departments to decrease high tense encounters.

 @9NG5C9F from Montana answered…34mins34m

Yes, but not public transportation infrastructure.

 @9NG5C9F from Montana answered…34mins34m

Yes, but not until middle school, and teach alongside with current efforts to change institutional racism.

 @9NG58DB from Kentucky answered…39mins39m

No. If the USA is the only country that has already taken a huge leap towards protecting the the environment other count…

 @9NG58DB from Kentucky answered…39mins39m

Work with the current agencies dealing with the cartel. Potentially have a joint effort with Mexico utilizing the approp…

 @9NG58DB from Kentucky answered…39mins39m

Student loans should be removed. This was a scam the government used on young kids to put them in debt. Instead of inves…

 @9NG58DB from Kentucky answered…39mins39m

Neutral. This issue does not regard me. But the government should not fund and should not be a thing in politics. If pri…

 @9NG58DB from Kentucky answered…39mins39m

Yes. But the government is limited in the assistances. The money should be used as a grant with certain restrictions on…

 @9NG58DB from Kentucky answered…39mins39m

Provide longer training for police when they go through the academy. Background checks a little more thorough and also s…

 @SomberL3ftWing from Florida commented…41mins41m

Wow, Claudia Sheinbaum's victory is absolutely thrilling! It's not just a win for her, but a monumental leap forward for…

 @ForsakenPr0gressivefrom Maine  commented…41mins41m

I'm really excited about Claudia Sheinbaum's win! Having a climate scientist as Mexico's first female president is a hug…

 @PorpoiseEddie from South Carolina commented…42mins42m

It's about time a brilliant woman like Claudia Sheinbaum shatters that glass ceiling in Mexico, showing girls everywhere…

 @9NG55B4 from Ohio answered…43mins43m


 @EnviousPacifist from Texas commented…57mins57m

Looks like the Democrats are at it again, trying to push their agenda under the guise of women's health rights.


 @CampaignTiger from Texas commented…57mins57m

This Act seems like a prime example of government overreach into personal health decisions, which should be left between…


 @K3ynesianAlexfrom Texas  commented…57mins57m

Finally, some proactive steps to protect our basic rights to healthcare and personal choice; it's about time we make wom…

 @9NG4JK3 from Nevada answered…1hr1H

teach kids in High School after grad programs including disability rescources for real careers they can live off of

 @9NG4JK3 from Nevada answered…1hr1H

Everyone no matter income pay 9% in total taxes. Local 3%, State 3%, Fed 3%. Thats it. And at the end of the year a reci…

 @9NG4JK3 from Nevada answered…1hr1H

Only to stop genocides and global conflict from happening and/or respond to them boots on the ground. But the US should…

 @9NG4JK3 from Nevada answered…1hr1H

Restructure & heavily regulate as well as create funding scources, varible cost will rise indefinintly so the Gov shou…

 @9NG4JK3 from Nevada answered…1hr1H

Can only at max double the actual bills for the consumer so if the actual bills with taxes are $750 p/mo for 1700 sqft t…