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 @9N8XVGK from Alaska answered…1wk1W

Yes, but only in areas where such a development is economically beneficial, such as the northeast corridor.

 @9L4Z23B  from Pennsylvania answered…2wks2W

Yes, the federal government should issue grants and PABs for states with projects on designated high speed corridors (186+ MPH MAS, 155 MPH Average Speed) and higher speed corridors (110-125 MPH MAS, 90-110 MPH Average Speed). States should utilize P3s to help increase efficiency of project development

 @9NHLT53 from Texas answered…4 days4D

Yes, if the taxpayer who does not use the speed rail have to pay yearly taxes. If it will affect taxpayers that do not use the rail then No.

 @9NHCHLS from Ohio answered…4 days4D

Yes as to capital spending for needing rail routes, some initial capital for rolling stock, no for operating expense.

 @9NH66J9 from Texas answered…4 days4D

The government should offer low interest rate loans to credit worthy companies that have the ability to produce such a project. Pocketing government money for additional profit isn't acceptable.

 @9NGYM5M from North Carolina answered…4 days4D

I feel like this could be a good option in the future but there is a lot to fix currently that isn't this.

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